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d.Have a suitable stake side compactor truck or trailer for hauling weeds, rubbish, <br />and brush. Trucks should have sufficient capacity to minimize trips andmaximize productivity; (typically a 2-ton capacity). The truck hall be equipped <br />with an arrow board for lane closures. <br />e.Provide power and hand tools of sufficient quantity and quality to handle the <br />job as specified. Examples of such tools are string trimmers (weed eaters), <br />brush cutters, catch bags, sod cutters, loppers, handsaws, and various hand <br />tools. <br />f.Provide and assure usage of appropriate safety equipment as required by <br />Cal/OSHA for all hand crews, including, but not limited to hearing protection, <br />dust masks, helmets, boots, gloves, goggles, chaps, shin guards). <br />g.Furnish, provide, and operate, at Contractor's sole expense, mobile phonescapable of taking and sending photos and emails. City may ask the contractor <br />to also use the "My SantaAna• phone app. <br />h.Replace immediately, any equipment that does not meet the foregoing as may <br />be determined by Project Manager and/or designee's sole discretion. Insurethat all crews, equipment, and trash are secure in vehicles at all times. <br />6.Place of Business <br />a.Maintain an office at a fixed location corresponding to current business license. <br />b.Maintain an assigned telephone number under Contractor's personal name orthe legal company name. <br />c.Have a capable person employed by Contractor available to take thenecessary actions regarding all inquiries and complaints from City and/or <br />private citizen during regular work hours at said office. <br />7.Traffic Controls <br />a.Maintain clear Ingress and egress areas, sidewalks, vehicle travel lanes, <br />driveways, and the like at all times unless immediate work prohibits suchclearance <br />b.Inspect and identify any condition{s) that renders any portion of the areas <br />under maintenance unsafe, as well as any unsafe practices occurring thereon <br />and keep a tog indicating date inspected and action taken. Notify the ProjectManager or his/her designee Immediately of any unsafe condition that <br />requires major correction. <br />c.Make minor field corrections, including but not limited to, placing traffic cone in <br />holes to protect members of the public or others from Injury and reportimmediately to the Project Manager or his/her deslgnee. <br />d.Cooperate fully with City in the investigation of any accidental injury or death <br />occurring on the designated work areas, Including a complete written report <br />thereof to the Project Manager or his/her deslgnee within five (5) daysfollowing the occurrence.