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RFP #21-017: On-Call Environmental Review Services for the <br />Housing Division <br /> City of Santa Ana Community Development Agency <br /> <br />A-28 <br /> 63675 <br /> <br />larger parking lot with a range of 100 to 128 parking spaces and a fenced dog park on an approximately 3.4-acre site in <br />the City of Newport Beach. The proposed bridge will connect Sunset Ridge Park to the new asphalt parking lot located <br />at the northeast corner of West Coast Highway and Superior Avenue. Due to the location of the project and being <br />partially funded by federal funding, Chambers Group is responsible for preparing CEQA documentation, NEPA <br />documentation and California Coastal Development Permits for the project. Technical Studies (air quality, GHG <br />emissions, energy and noise analyses, initial site assessments, hazardous materials analysis, Coastal California <br />Gnatcatcher focused surveys, visual assessment) and a subsequent IS/MND were prepared as an appropriate CEQA <br />documentation to provide the public and responsible agencies with information about the potential environmental <br />impacts associated with implementation of the proposed Project. This IS/MND includes a project-level analysis of the <br />potential effects associated with the Project. As a part of the NEPA documentation, Chambers Group was responsible <br />for coordination with the Caltrans Local District and the resulting preparation of a Categorical Exclusion as the <br />appropriate form of NEPA documentation. <br />Desert Valley Company Monofill Cell 4 Expansion Project, Terraphase Engineering and CalEnergy, <br />Imperial County <br />Lead Biologist. CalEnergy Operating Corporation (CalEnergy) in cooperation with the Desert Valley Company (DVC) are <br />proposing the expansion of the existing DVC Monofill Facility to establish a new cell (Cell 4). The proposed Cell 4 would <br />be used to deposit nonhazardous waste generated from filter cake and scale formed in the transport, flashing, and <br />handling of geothermal brine from a total of four energy generating facilities. Cell 4 would also be designed to handle <br />soils contaminated with geothermal materials, geothermal drilling muds and cuttings, and incidental plastic sheeting <br />(truck bed liners/materials). The additional facilities will allow the existing monofill location to continue operations <br />beyond the expected date the current facilities will reach capacity in 2025. Mr. Morrissey coordinated and led the <br />biological assessment, jurisdictional delineations, focused surveys for flat-tailed horned lizard, burrowing owl, small <br />mammal trapping, and rare plant surveys, as well as assisting with design impacts, permit application strategies, and <br />agency meetings to discuss mitigation strategies. <br />On-Call for Environmental Consulting Services, City of Moorpark, Moorpark, CA <br />Lead Biologist. Commencing in September 2019, Chambers Group is working on a series of task orders to support the <br />City with the peer review of project applications and CEQA documents. Chambers Group is providing guidance and <br />assistance through the peer review of technical environmental reports and analyses (traffic studies, noise studies, <br />geologic assessments, etc.). <br />Biological Surveys and Monitoring for the 2012 to 2017 Debris Basins Maintenance Project, Los <br />Angeles County, CA <br />Program Manager. Paul coordinated pre- and post-construction surveys and biological monitoring within 172 debris <br />basins maintained annually by Flood Maintenance Division (FMD) throughout Los Angeles County, California. The <br />surveys are required by the agency permits (401/404/1602) obtained by LACFCD for maintenance activities including <br />mowing/trimming of vegetation and potential sediment removal within the debris basins. Surveys included <br />jurisdictional and wetland delineations, pre- and post-construction surveys, water quality sampling and analysis, and <br />biological compliance monitoring. Annual reports are prepared and submitted to RWQCB. <br />Sepulveda Boulevard over Dominguez Channel Project, Permitting, City of Carson & Caltrans, RKA <br />Group, Carson, Los Angeles County, CA <br />Lead Biologist. Paul led the team that prepared the application packages for the Section 404 nationwide permit for <br />USACE, Section 401 water quality certification for RWQCB, and Section 1602 Streambed Alteration Agreement for <br />CDFW. The project involves widening the Sepulveda Blvd. bridge over the Dominguez Channel by adding a median and <br />sidewalks on both sides of the bridge to improve road safety and reduce traffic congestion by allowing for better traffic <br />circulation. <br /> <br />EXHIBIT 2