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RFP #21-017: On-Call Environmental Review Services for the <br />Housing Division <br /> City of Santa Ana Community Development Agency <br /> <br />A-34 <br /> 63675 <br /> <br />Dudley Street Multi-Family Residential Project, Pomona, CA <br />Prepared an air quality, energy, and GHG emissions impact analysis and a noise impact analysis for the development of <br />152 townhomes at 1440 Murchison Avenue. The air quality, energy and GHG report analyzed the regional construction <br />and operational air emissions with the CalEEMod model and utilized the SCAQMD Look-Up Tables for the localized <br />analysis. The analysis found that with adherence to State and SCAQMD regulations that air quality, energy and GHG <br />impacts would be less than significant. The noise report analyzed construction noise levels with the FHWA RCNM, <br />utilized the FHWA-RD-77-108 model to analyze the offsite roadway noise impacts from the project and utilized the <br />SoundPlan model to analyze the Freeway noise impacts to the proposed townhomes. The analysis found through <br />implementation of Project Design Features that included sound walls and upgraded windows and doors that noise and <br />vibration impacts would be less than significant. <br />Archstone Huntington Beach at Edinger Project, Huntington Beach, CA <br />Prepared an air quality and global climate change impact analysis for the development of four story residential <br />apartment building with 510 units, a central five story parking structure and amenities located on an 8.5 acres at Edinger <br />Avenue and Gothard Street that is within the Beach and Edinger Corridors Specific Plan (BECSP). The analysis utilized <br />CalEEMod to analyze the project’s regional criteria pollutant and GHG emissions and SCAQMD’s Mass Rate LST Look- <br />up Tables to analyze the project’s local criteria pollutant impacts from construction activities. With implementation of <br />the required air quality and GHG mitigation measures provided in the BECSP, no significant construction or operational <br />impacts were found. <br />Washington Avenue Lot Well & Facility Project, Santa Ana, CA <br />Prepared an air quality and GHG emissions analysis and a noise impact analysis for the development of a water well, <br />well building and chemical building located on the northwest corner of Penn Way and Washington Avenue. The air <br />quality and GHG report analyzed the regional construction and operational criteria pollutant and GHG emissions with <br />the CalEEMod model and utilized the SCAQMD Look-Up Tables for the localized analysis. The analysis found that the <br />project would result in less than significant air quality or GHG emissions impacts. The noise report analyzed construction <br />noise levels with the SoundPlan model that utilized reference noise measurements taken during active well <br />construction activities and from the FHWA’s Road Construction Noise Model (RCNM). The noise modeling found that <br />there would be a significant noise impact during the well drilling phase of construction and the proposed mitigation of <br />a minimum 8-foot high wall around the project site was quantified with the SoundPlan model, which showed the <br />mitigation was adequate to reduce construction noise to within City noise standards. <br />813 N Euclid Street Gas Station Project, Santa Ana, CA <br />Prepared an air quality, energy, and GHG emissions analysis and a noise impact analysis for the development of a gas <br />station with eight fueling positions and a 3,045 square foot convenience store. The air quality and GHG report analyzed <br />the regional construction and operational criteria pollutant and GHG emissions with the CalEEMod model and utilized <br />the CAPCOA Gas Station Guidelines to calculate the VOC emissions created from the transfer and dispensing of gasoline. <br />The SCAQMD Look-Up Tables were utilized for the localized analysis and the SCAQMD’s Risk Tool V1.103 was utilized <br />to calculate the cancer risk from gasoline dispensing activities at the nearby homes. The analysis found that the project <br />would result in less than significant air quality, energy or GHG emissions impacts. The noise report analyzed <br />construction noise levels with the FHWA RCNM, utilized the FHWA-RD-77-108 model to analyze operational vehicular <br />noise and utilized reference noise measurements of similar gas station facilities and typical noise propagation rates to <br />analyze noise impacts from the proposed project to the nearby homes. A significant nighttime noise impact was found <br />to be created by the proposed air/water machine and mitigation was provided that restricted the operation of the <br />Air/Water machine during the nighttime noise sensitive hours of 10 p.m. to 7 a.m. In addition, the noise analysis <br />analyzed construction and operation-related vibration impacts, which found that the proposed pile driving during <br />construction would create a significant vibration impact. Mitigation was provided that required the use of sonic pile <br />drivers. <br />EXHIBIT 2