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<br /> <br /> C-2 Statement of Qualifications – On-Call Environmental Review Services for Housing Division <br /> <br />Specific Scope of Services <br />The following scope of services has been provided pursuant to Request for Proposals (RFP) #21-017 Exhibit A, Scope of Services. <br />PHASE I AND PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENTS  <br />Michael Baker will perform Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) services for the City. It is our understanding that all Phase I <br />reports will comply with the ASTM International (ASTM) E 1527 Standard Practice. It is acknowledged that ASTM is in the process of <br />updating this standard practice. Michael Baker staff is participating on the E 50 committee, has been involved in this update, and will be <br />prepared to ensure our Phase I ESAs are prepared to the current industry standard in 2022, when the standard update is expected to be <br />released. Upon task kickoff, Michael Baker will confirm the purpose of the Phase I and the methodology to be conducted. All Phase I <br />documentation will include an ASTM-compliant radius search of databases pertaining to hazardous materials, appropriate file reviews <br />with regulatory agencies, historical documentation review, interviews, and site reconnaissance. The Phase I report will document Michael <br />Baker’s findings, opinions, and conclusions as to whether or not a recognized environmental condition (REC), or conditional recognized <br />environmental condition (CREC), exists. <br /> <br />Should a Phase I ESA identify any RECs, Michael Baker has retained Roux Associates (Roux) to provide Phase II ESA services. Roux <br />will review Phase I ESAs prepared by Michael Baker and/or other qualified environmental firms to evaluate the site history and condition, <br />and specifically any RECs that are identified for the site. If no prior environmental documentation is available for the site, initial desktop <br />review may be necessary to evaluate past uses and potential environmental concerns. If multiple environmental reports are available <br />for the site, including perhaps Phase II ESA investigation and/or remediation documents, those reports will be evaluated to formulate <br />opinions of site status. <br /> <br />If RECs are identified for the site, the City will be queried to understand the present and future intended use(s) of the site, ownership <br />status, potential acquisition or disposition, and regulatory interactions that are expected, past or future. This query will occur prior to <br />development of a specific scope of work for subsurface investigation. Once all the initial information is gathered, a scope of work that <br />may include soil, soil gas, and/or groundwater sampling will be developed in line with the objectives for the site. The investigation will <br />provide sufficient data to characterize areas of concern and assess potential risks and future costs, delays, and/or liabilities that may be <br />borne of impacts. The initial Phase II ESA will not be intended to provide comprehensive characterization or derive complete remedial <br />alternatives. The initial results will be discussed with the City and dependent on conditions and objectives, additional scopes of Phase II <br />work may be developed where necessary. <br />ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENTS (EIS)  <br />Michael Baker staff have extensive experience with preparation of EISs for a range of different major Federal actions having the potential <br />to significant affect the quality of the environment. This experience comes on a range of diverse project types, for numerous different <br />Federal agencies. Michael Baker’s experience with preparing NEPA documents in accordance with 24 CFR 50.4, 58.6, 24 CFR 58.5, <br />provides for a streamlined, “hit the ground running” approach that will facilitate EIS preparation for the City’s critical Federally-funded <br />housing projects. Critical components of the EIS important to the success of the document include a well-defined description of the <br />proposed action and detailed description of the range of alternatives, in addition to strict adherence to HUD’s statutory checklist and <br />criteria for cumulative impact analysis. HUD also places an emphasis on proactive stakeholder and community engagement to consider <br />feedback related to the environmental effects of the project. <br />ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORTS (EIR)  <br />The Michael Baker Environmental staff have provided CEQA compliant Environmental Impact Reports (EIRs) for a diverse range of <br />housing projects for over 40 years. Michael Baker’s environmental documents are not only legally defensible and user-friendly, but are <br />supported by professionals with expertise in hydrology, water quality, transportation, water/wastewater, landscape architecture, urban <br />design, policy planning, structural design, civil engineering, GIS, mapping, and surveying. Michael Baker produces environmental <br />documents that are sensitive to both the public’s concern for resource protection and community impacts, as well as real-world issues <br />associated with cost and feasibility of implementing mitigation measures. <br /> <br />EXHIBIT 3