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<br /> <br /> C-3 Statement of Qualifications – On-Call Environmental Review Services for Housing Division <br /> <br />Michael Baker can prepare appropriate Notice of Preparation (NOP)/Initial Study, Draft EIR, Final EIR, and associated work products in <br />accordance with the criteria, standards and provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) (California Public Resources <br />Code Section 21000 et seq.), California CEQA Guidelines (California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Section 15000 et seq.), the City of <br />Santa Ana Environmental Guidelines, and the regulations requirements and procedures of any other responsible Public Agency with <br />jurisdiction by law. Michael Baker will, throughout the document, and where appropriate, relate the proposed project to the general trends <br />in Santa Ana and the surrounding area. The initiation of the CEQA process would involve a detailed scoping process including a review <br />of issues, constraints, and Project opportunities. Michael Baker, working closely and in collaboration with City staff, will embark on an <br />agency consultation process, which will include a public scoping session, in order to provide an opportunity to obtain a better <br />understanding of key environmental concerns of interested agencies and the community, as well as informing the public as to the purpose <br />of the CEQA review and determination process. The NOP/Initial Study will be circulated for a 30-day review. Comments received during <br />the review period will be evaluated as part of the Draft EIR preparation. <br /> <br />The Michael Baker Team will be viewed as an integral component in the project review and will participate in meetings with City staff, <br />and public hearings, as required by the City. The Michael Baker Team will have the responsibility of leading the public participation <br />program for the environmental review, including the planning process, Draft EIR public review meeting, and throughout the public hearing <br />process for EIR certification. The Michael Baker Team will guide the planning and CEQA processes and assist the decision makers and <br />the public in understanding the analysis and EIR conclusions. Michael Baker has served in this role with a countless number of agencies <br />and a wide range of projects of great interest to communities. Each of the issues studied in the EIR will be approached thoroughly in <br />order to fully assess all potential impacts, establish thresholds of significance, and identify mitigation measures, as necessary. <br />ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENTS AND COMPLIANCE FINDINGS ‐ 24 CFR PART 580  <br />Michael Baker staff have supported municipal clients throughout California by preparing environmental reviews for projects funded <br />through U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) programs, such as Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) <br />and HOME Investment Partnership programs. Our approach to preparing a NEPA Environmental Assessment for the City is to draw upon <br />our experience preparing multiple NEPA documents for HUD-assisted projects in California to identify and address issues early in the <br />process, conduct technically adequate and complete environmental analysis, create reader friendly NEPA documents, and openly <br />communicate with the City to ensure needs and expectations are met throughout the process. <br /> <br />For projects funded, in part or in whole, by HUD-programs such as those identified above and do not fall into the categories of projects <br />categorically excluded or exempt from NEPA evaluation per 24 CFR 58.34 and 24 CFR 58.35, Michael Baker will prepare an <br />Environmental Assessment (EA), the content of which would be consistent with HUD’s recommended format for conducting EAs pursuant <br />to 24 CFR 58. The analysis will include all required determinations and compliance documentation for the laws and authorities at 24 CFR <br />58.6 and 58.5, as well as an analysis of additional factors, including the project’s impacts on land development, socioeconomic factors, <br />community facilities and services, and natural features. The following are the primary sections of the EA: Purpose and Need, Project <br />Description, Existing Conditions and Trends, Statutory Checklist, Environmental Assessment Checklist, and Alternatives to the Proposed <br />Action. The EA will also include several HUD-required summary sections, including mitigation measures, additional studies performed, <br />and list of sources, agencies, and persons consulted. Michael Baker also has in-house experts that can prepare required technical studies <br />and assist with required consultations to support the NEPA EA, including air quality specialists, noise specialists, and cultural resources <br />specialists. <br /> <br />Upon preparation of the finalized public draft EA, Michael Baker will prepare a combined Notice of Finding of No Significant Impact and <br />Notice of Intent to Request a Release of Funds (FONSI and NOI/RROF) and can assist the City with the publication and public review <br />process. Following the public review period, Michael Baker can assist the City with preparation of the Request Release of Funds and <br />7015.15 Certification Form required to be submitted to HUD along with the Environmental Review Record (ERR) for their review and <br />approval. <br />ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEWS FOR CATEGORICALLY EXCLUDED ACTIVITIES/PROJECTS ‐ SECTION  <br />58.5   <br />Michael Baker staff have supported municipal clients throughout California by preparing environmental reviews for projects funded <br />through HUD programs, such as CDBG and HOME Investment Partnership programs. Many smaller-scale projects supported through <br />such programs, such as minor home repair programs, or small-scale public facility improvements, require preparation of a categorical <br />EXHIBIT 3