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<br /> <br /> C-5 Statement of Qualifications – On-Call Environmental Review Services for Housing Division <br /> <br />If soils suspected to be contaminated are encountered on City projects, Roux will direct that they be excavated, stockpiled, and sampled <br />to determine if on-site re-use is appropriate, or they need to be disposed off-Site. Stockpiles will generally be sampled through collection <br />of four-point composite samples at a minimum frequency of four composite samples per every 250 cubic yards (CY). Based upon the <br />Site history, suspect stockpile soil samples will be analyzed for the necessary parameters. All stockpiles of suspect soils will be placed <br />upon and covered with plastic sheeting and clearly labeled with a unique designation. <br /> <br />If it is necessary to import fill material (scenario 2 above) to support construction activities thee, the State of California Department of <br />Toxic Substances Control’s (DTSC’s) Information Advisory for Clean Imported Fill Material will be applied to guide the required soil <br />sampling and analysis. <br />HUD ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW ONLINE SYSTEM (HEROS)  <br />Michael Baker staff maintain active HUD user accounts with access to the HUD Environmental Review Online System (HEROS) and can <br />support the City of Santa Ana as a Partner User, preparing and submitting environmental review documentation, such as Categorical <br />Exclusions subject to the laws and authorities listed at 24 CFR 58.5 and Environmental Assessments, to the HEROS system. <br />Implementation Schedule <br />The following is a sample implementation schedule for an Environmental Assessment (EA)/Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI). <br /> <br />Kickoff Meeting Month 1 <br />Michael Baker provides Draft Project Description to City Month 1 <br />City provides Final Project Description to Michael Baker Month 1 <br />Administrative Draft EA preparation1,2,3 Months 1-2 <br />City Review of Administrative Draft EA Month 2 <br />Preliminary Draft EA preparation by Michael Baker Months 2 – 3 <br />City Review of Preliminary Draft #2 Month 4 <br />Complete, Publish, and Circulate Draft EA Month 4 <br />15-Day Public Review Period Months 4 – 5 <br />Michael Baker prepares Final EA4 Month 5 <br />City Review of Final EA Month 5 <br />Complete Final EA Month 5 <br />Approval of Request for Release of Funds Month 5 <br /> <br />Notes: <br />1 Submittal of the first Admin Draft EA will occur concurrently to the Native American consultation and Section 106 process with SHPO. <br />2 Assumes an iterative review of Traffic Memorandum with City Traffic Engineer for numbers to be approved for other technical <br />modeling to occur. <br />3 Assumes technical data request from City/Applicant is provided in a timely manner (e.g., construction quantities/assumptions, project <br />plans, etc.) <br />4 Assumes minimal public comments. <br /> <br />EXHIBIT 3