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<br /> <br /> C-4 Statement of Qualifications – On-Call Environmental Review Services for Housing Division <br /> <br />exclusion rather than an Environmental Assessment (described above). Michael Baker will prepare Categorical Exclusion Statutory <br />Checklists (CEST checklist) for the City in accordance with HUD’s recommended format for conducting CEST checklists pursuant to 24 <br />CFR Part 58. The analysis will include all required determinations and compliance documentation for the laws and authorities at 24 CFR <br />parts 50.4, 58.6, and 58.5. The following are the primary compliance factors of the CEST checklist: Airport Hazards, Coastal Barrier <br />Resources, Flood Insurance, Clean Air, Coastal Zone Management, Contamination and Toxic Substances, Endangered Species, <br />Explosive and Flammable Hazards, Farmlands Protection, Floodplain Management, Historic Preservation, Noise Abatement and Control, <br />Sole Source Aquifers, Wetlands Protection, Wild and Scenic Rivers, and Environmental Justice. Michael Baker also has in-house experts <br />that can prepare required technical studies and assist with required consultations to support the CEST checklist, such as cultural <br />resources assessments and historic property evaluations required to demonstrate compliance with Section 106 of the NHPA. The CEST <br />checklist will also include several HUD-required summary sections, including mitigation measures, funding breakdown, and summary of <br />findings and conclusions. If mitigation or other compliance steps would be required (i.e., additional reports, studies, consultations, permits, <br />or agreements), we would assist the City with the public review and comment process, including preparing and publishing a Notice of <br />Intent/Request for the Release of Funds (NOI/RROF) as required by HUD. <br />LEAD RISK SURVEYS  <br />It is our understanding that the purpose of building surveys, as part of this scope of work, is to identify the presence of asbestos-containing <br />materials (ACMs), lead-based paints (LBPs), and other potential hazardous building materials (such as polychlorinated biphenyls <br />[PCBs]). Michael Baker has retained Panacea to identify the likelihood that asbestos is present in concentrations greater than 1 percent <br />in suspect, readily accessible construction materials. Panacea will assess the likelihood that lead is present in concentrations greater <br />than 1.0 milligrams per square centimeter (mg/cm2) in/on readily accessible painted surfaces of the buildings. It is acknowledged that <br />components or structures not permanently attached or can easily be removed during renovation will not be tested (such as furniture, <br />cabinets, trash, artwork, etc.). Panacea will also estimate the number of readily-accessible fluorescent light tubes, mercury-containing <br />thermostat switches, ballast containing PCBs, potential tritium exit signs, batteries and/or battery-containing equipment, and potential <br />Freon™-containing refrigeration systems in the buildings. Sampling or testing of equipment is excluded from this scope of work. The <br />overall technical approach for sampling activities will involve review of build plans and preparation of base maps, conducting site <br />reconnaissance and preparation of a sampling strategy, and data evaluation and report preparation. <br />LEAD AND ASBESTOS TESTING, MONITORING AND CLEARANCES  <br />It is our understanding that the purpose of building surveys, as part of this scope of work, is to identify the presence of asbestos-containing <br />materials (ACMs) and lead-based paint (LBP) and hazards related to LBP. Michael Baker has retained Panacea to identify the likelihood <br />that asbestos is present in concentrations greater than 1 percent in suspect, readily accessible construction materials. Panacea will <br />assess the likelihood that lead is present in concentrations greater than 1.0 milligrams per square centimeter (mg/cm2) in/on readily <br />accessible painted surfaces of the buildings and perform risk assessment if necessary. It is acknowledged that components or structures <br />not permanently attached or can easily be removed during renovation will not be tested (such as furniture, cabinets, trash, artwork, etc.). <br /> <br />Panacea provides consulting services for asbestos abatement and lead-related work. For asbestos abatement oversight, Panacea can <br />prepare and design abatement specifications, perform abatement oversight, and collect daily air monitoring during abatement activities <br />and final clearance air samples after abatement is complete. <br />SOILS TESTING  <br />Michael Baker has retained Roux to perform soils testing for potential contamination should those services be required. It is our <br />understanding that soil testing may be required if (1) potentially impacted soils are encountered such as when excavated soils indicate <br />possible impacts or when expected or unexpected underground structures such as clarifiers or underground storage tanks that may have <br />impacted excavated soils are encountered, or (2) when it is necessary to import fill materials to support construction activities. <br /> <br />When soils testing services are required for on-site soils (scenario 1 above), Roux will perform soil sampling of potentially impacted soil <br />in general accordance with the Soil Management Plan (SMP) if one has been prepared. When no SMP exists, Roux will prepare one if <br />requested by the City, or simply perform soil testing as described below: <br /> <br />EXHIBIT 3