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I. CITY RIGHT TO REJECT <br />The City reserves the right to reject any or all proposals submitted and no representation <br />is made hereby that any contract will be awarded pursuant to this RFP or otherwise. <br />The City reserves the right to accept or reject the combined or separate components of <br />this proposal in part or in its entirety or to waive any minor inconsistency, <br />informality or technical defect in the proposal. <br />The City reserves the right to reject, replace, and approve any and all subcontractors. All <br />subcontractors shall be identified in response to this RFP. Subcontractors shall be the <br />responsibility of the selected proposer and the City shall assume no liability of such <br />subcontractors. <br />J. BID PROTESTS <br />Proposers with concerns or rebuttal of any staff determination of non -responsiveness or <br />non -responsibility may submit, in writing within five (5) business days, to the Project <br />Manager, any concerns regarding the RFP process or staff determination. Such writing <br />shall be considered by the City Manager or her designated representative, and may be <br />acted upon within five (5) business days. If no action is taken within such time, there <br />shall be no change to the staff determination. The exercise by the Proposer of its right to <br />submit written concerns shall be a condition precedent to seeking judicial review of <br />any award of a contract hereunder. <br />III. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS <br />A. GENERAL <br />1. The number of Proposal Copies and signature is specified in: <br />RFP SECTION I - INTRODUCTION / PROJECT DESCRIPTION <br />2. Deadline: <br />Proposals are due to the City of Santa Ana via PlanetBids at the date and time <br />specified in the Notice Inviting Proposals. <br />B. PROPOSAL CONTENTS <br />The proposal format and page limitation, if any, is specified in: <br />RFP SECTION I - INTRODUCTION / PROJECT DESCRIPTION <br />1. STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS <br />City of Santa Ana RFP 21-004 Page 7 <br />