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a. Cover Letter: Proposals shall include a letter signed by a principal or <br />authorized representative who can make legally binding commitments <br />for the entity. <br />b. Contract Agreement Statement: Proposals shall include a <br />statement outlining concurrence or concerns with any and all <br />provisions contained in the Agreement attached herein as <br />Attachment 2 in the Appendix. <br />Firm and Team Experience: Proposals shall include a profile of the <br />firm's experience and resumes which outline the experience of <br />the project team and subcontractors that will be providing services. <br />At a minimum, this should include the project manager or <br />principal agent, associates in charge when the project manager <br />or principal agent is unavailable, key personnel, firm size, and <br />an organization chart identifying only those who will perform work for <br />the proposed project and the percentage of each individual's time <br />devoted to this project. The project manager or principal agent shall be <br />the primary contact person to represent your firm and will be the <br />person to conduct the presentation, if invited for an interview. <br />d. Understanding of Need: Proposals shall include an outline which <br />demonstrates contractor's understanding of the work. This outline <br />should include anticipated approach, tasks necessary for successful <br />completion, deliverables, and suggestions or special concerns that the <br />City should be made aware of. Identify any assumptions and/or <br />exclusions used in preparation of the scope of work and associated <br />fee estimate. <br />e. Relevant Project Experience: Proposal shall include a list of relevant <br />projects, which your firm or personnel have completed within the last <br />5 years, including significant work with public agencies. Project <br />information should include project description, project location, year <br />completed, and client name and contact information. <br />f. References: Proposal shall include a list of relevant projects with <br />references for three public entities for which Proposer has performed <br />similar work within the past five (5) years. <br />2. SCOPE OF SERVICES AND SCHEDULE: <br />Proposals shall include a Scope of Services that details contractor's <br />experience and expertise conducting spill response, hazardous waste disposal, <br />and stormdrain facility maintenance services, as it pertains to the Scope of <br />Work detailed in Attachment 1 of this RFP. <br />City of Santa Ana RFP 21-004 Page 8 <br />