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3. FEE PROPOSAL: <br />The fee proposal shall be submitted concurrently with the technical proposal, <br />but as a separate attachment, clearly labeled as "Fee Proposal." The fee <br />proposal shall include a list of all positions, hourly rates, equipment and <br />material costs, and any other costs required to perform the services described <br />in the Scope of Work detailed in Attachment 1 of this RFP. Additionally, <br />contractors shall complete a CONTRACT COMPARISON FORM, attached <br />as Appendix Attachment 4 to this RFP, and submit it to the City as part of the <br />fee proposal in PlanetBids. <br />The fee proposal will not be opened until the proposals have been evaluated <br />by the proposal selection committee. The City will select the consultant based <br />on qualifications, and then negotiate a contract price based on available <br />funding. <br />4. CERTIFICATIONS: <br />The following forms shall be signed and included as part of the proposal <br />submittal package: <br />• Attachment 3-1: Non -Collusion Affidavit <br />• Attachment 3-2: Non -Lobbying Certification <br />• Attachment 3-3: Non -Discrimination Certification <br />IV. PROPOSAL REVIEW (CONSULTANT SELECTION) <br />A. EVALUATION AND RATING <br />The criteria for evaluating the proposals are specified in: <br />RFP SECTION I - INTRODUCTION / PROJECT DESCRIPTION. <br />B. SELECTION <br />The selection committee will be comprised of at least (3) City staff. The committee may <br />interview the top ranking proposers. The City will recommend award of contracts to the <br />proposers who will provide the best value and expertise to the City. The City reserves the <br />right to begin negotiations and enter into a contract without interview or further <br />discussions. <br />V. CONTRACT AWARD <br />A. REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION <br />Following evaluation and rating by the proposal review committee, the Project Manager <br />will recommend awarding contracts to the two top-ranking proposers that will provide <br />the best value and expertise to the City. <br />City of Santa Ana RFP 21-004 Page 9 <br />