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- MCFADDEN AVENUE PROTECTED BIKE LANE AND ~m'� <br />BICYCLE BOULEVARD PROJECT <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />Transit Coordination <br />The OCTA Route 66 Line has 20 bus stops in each direction along McFadden Avenue that are <br />configured with and without bus pullouts. We will evaluate each bus stop location and adjacent bicycle <br />facility treatment option to determine how best to maintain accessibility and provide the safest <br />configurations possible. With the pending signal modifications and "road -diet" improvements <br />throughout portions of the project there will be opportunities for transit signal priority (TSP) treatment. <br />In addition, our team will work with City staff to coordinate the specific details for the conflict zone area <br />treatments for Class II buffered bike lanes and potential curb lines and bulb -outs for Class IV parking - <br />separated bike lanes at each bus stop location. <br />Public Outreach & Engagement <br />The McFadden Bike Project will provide a safe and healthy, transportation alternative for pedestrians <br />and bicyclists to access neighborhood assets and local services. With a high percentage of Santa <br />Ana residents lacking access to an automobile as presented in the grant application, building these <br />Class II, III, and IV bikeway facilities will provide underserved communities in the area with a viable <br />network to walk or ride to locally owned businesses, schools, churches, senior centers, as well as <br />Jerome Park and the wide range of amenities within the park. Furthermore, this added bikeway <br />network will create greater connectivity in the region by providing safe access to the Santa Ana River <br />Trail to the West and the Pacific Electric Bicycle Trail to the East, just past Main Street. <br />A public outreach and engagement strategy that is mindful of area demographics will be important to <br />broadcast information about the project, so communities know what's to come and are aware of project <br />features and benefits. Dokken will create a public outreach plan that details project elements and <br />provides space for community input. Our team will prepare meeting materials, renderings, <br />presentations, and other workshop content in both English and Spanish that can be utilized for social <br />media and websites. We acknowledge that the City has done a tremendous job involving and <br />informing the public of The McFadden Bike Project to date and our team is excited to continue building <br />public support and momentum for this essential project. <br />Traffic Signal Modifications and Signal Interconnection <br />As noted throughout the grant application The McFadden Bike Project will modify existing traffic <br />signals along the corridor to install bike phasing and signal heads as needed. Our experience with <br />modifying existing signals to add bicycle phasing and signal heads leads allows us to understand the <br />downstream implications not just at the intersection itself, but on all approaches and transition zones <br />to the intersection. Our team understands the field data necessary to develop comprehensive designs. <br />This is critically important with the Class IV protected bike lane configurations, especially at <br />intersections with heavy right turn movements where a separated right turn lane may still be warranted <br />by traffic counts. Traffic engineers and localities have the option of striping a bike lane transition to <br />bring right turning traffic to the right side of the bike lane or installing no right on red signals to alert <br />drivers of the bicyclists on their right side. We have experience handling traffic in both scenarios and <br />understand the necessary signing and striping improvements that need to be made in addition to the <br />traffic signal modifications. Additionally, where connecting cross -streets bring bicycle traffic to <br />signalized intersections there may be an opportunity to install green pavement markings for "bike <br />boxes", that give cyclists the priority on green lights and allows left turns onto cross -streets to be made <br />safely by cyclists in front of vehicular traffic. <br />Our experience with traffic signal interconnection projects, that tie existing signalized intersections <br />together and to a main hub, has given us many insights into the details necessary during construction. <br />We have FPL & Associates on board to provide the plans and splicing details and our staff at Dokken <br />has also developed signal interconnection backbones for many local agencies as well as Caltrans. <br />We understand the level of information required to allow an electrical subcontractor to install the new <br />facilities within the various types of traffic signal cabinets and we will put boots on the ground to ensure <br />that our proposed approach will be successful during construction. <br />R§DOKKEN Page 1 is <br />ENGINEERING <br />