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MCFADDEN AVENUE PROTECTED BIKE LANE AND <br />- `- BICYCLE BOULEVARD PROJECT <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA K <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES AND SCHEDULE <br />The Dokken Engineering Team will perform professional and technical engineering services to <br />prepare civil design plans, construction cost estimates, specifications, topographical survey, utility <br />research, permitting services, and other related support services pursuant to successful delivery of <br />The McFadden Bike Project as described herein. The following is a detailed scope of services with <br />deliverables to be submitted based on the City's RFP and our understanding of the work. <br />Task 1 — Project Management <br />Project management includes regular in -person meetings, deliveries, presentation of work products, <br />development and monitoring of action items, monthly progress reports, work progress monitoring, <br />budget monitoring, quality assurance/quality control, and extensive communication and coordination. <br />Task 1.1 — Project Coordination and Administration: Close contact will be maintained between <br />our Dokken Project Manager Mike Greer, all sub -consultants, the City's Project Manager, project <br />personnel, and regulatory agencies. Effective communication through in -person visits when feasible, <br />focused meetings, telephone calls and a -mails to the City will be performed to discuss specific project <br />issues by the Project Manager. Regular communication with team members, the City and other agency <br />personnel will be facilitated through our Dokken Project Manager. Progress Reports that include an <br />updated project schedule, a discussion of issues/decisions, recommendations to address issues, <br />budget status, and anticipated work for the following month will be submitted monthly with invoices to <br />the City. Our Dokken Project Manager is responsible for maintaining cost control for each task, <br />including our sub -consultants and other direct costs. <br />Task 1.2 — MS Project Schedule: Dokken will provide and maintain a detailed Microsoft Project <br />Schedule. This comprehensive MS Project schedule will be prepared to identify each task, deliverable, <br />and review period for the project. Our Dokken Project Manager will closely monitor the schedule and <br />bring any deviations or risks of delay to the attention of the City's Project Manager. <br />Task 1.3 — Meetings: Dokken will coordinate and facilitate meetings with City staff and stakeholders <br />for an Initial Kick -Off Meeting and regularly during the design process to discuss areas of concern, <br />proposed recommendations, establishment of general guidelines, and for overall project coordination. <br />We believe there to be great value in scheduling regular monthly meetings with the Project <br />Development Team (PDT) and we will be prepared to host teleconference meetings via an on-line <br />video chat service of the City's choosing or in -person as the City desires. Dokken will coordinate and <br />facilitate meetings with utility companies and other regulatory other agencies on behalf of the City to <br />meet the goals of this McFadden Bike Project. Meetings with utility companies will be arranged as <br />needed to identify and resolve potential conflicts and electrical service point needs for new meters to <br />be installed. Meetings with the railroad owners and operators will be arranged as needed to facilitate <br />modifications to the existing at -grade crossing and if necessary, to process a GO-88B Application <br />through the CPUC. Focus meetings will be coordinated as requested by the City or as determined <br />necessary by our team via our Dokken Project Manager. Our Dokken Project Manager will facilitate <br />the meeting and have any needed specialty personnel present to inform the City of project items, <br />concerns, or exhibits. Additional meeting materials may include Meeting Agendas, Meeting Minutes, <br />Meeting Exhibits, and other items as requested for review by the team. Meeting minutes will be <br />provided to the City within five (5) business days after the meeting. <br />Task 1.4 — Permits: Dokken will be responsible for securing permits, to include preparation of <br />applications with all submittals and revisions. We will be responsible for researching, coordinating, <br />and preparing all required right of entry applications necessary for the completion of project design. <br />Task 1 Deliverables: Monthly Invoices with Progress Reports; MS Project Schedule with Updates; <br />Facilitate One (1) Kick -Off Meeting and Twelve (12) PDT Meetings; Focus, Utility, and Agency <br />Meetings with Materials as needed; Meeting Agendas; Meeting Minutes with Action Items; Meeting <br />Exhibits; Permits <br />R§DOKKEN Page I I <br />ENGINEERING <br />