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- - MCFADDEN AVENUE PROTECTED BIKE LANE AND <br />BICYCLE BOULEVARD PROJECT <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA,v <br />• A design capture volume worksheet for each drainage area. <br />• A BMP Site Plan with impervious/pervious areas, improvements, and discharge points. <br />• An operation and maintenance program and identification of maintenance responsibility. <br />• Infiltration feasibility documentation with geotechnical field explorations. <br />It is assumed that Green Street BMPs will be incorporated to the maximum extent practicable (MEP) <br />consistent with USEPA guidance. This scope assumes that the Green Streets design approach allows <br />the project a pathway to MS4 compliance by designing to the MEP in lieu of the sizing criteria required <br />for other Priority Projects. Hydromodification analysis and design is not required for this project since <br />the project will not impact the runoff rates or times of concentration. A draft WQMP will be submitted <br />to the City of Santa Ana for review with the 60% PS&E milestone submittal. Comments will be <br />addressed, and the final document will be submitted for approval with the 100% Final PS&E. <br />Task 3.3 — Geotechnical Investigations (Optional Task): Dokken will work with our subconsultant <br />NOVA to provide temporary traffic control as necessary to conduct geotechnical investigations. <br />Borings will be explored to make recommendations on project infiltration and percolation rates. <br />Geotechnical borings will be taken to a depth of between five and ten feet over a two-day period at <br />approximately 5 locations where bulb -outs may be designed with a potential to treat storm water. A <br />draft and final Geotechnical Report will be submitted and revised as needed. <br />Task 3 Deliverables: Draft/Final Drainage Memo; Draft/Final WQMP, Draft/Final Geotech Report <br />Task 4 — Public Outreach <br />Task 4.1 — Public Outreach Meetings (2): Dokken will conduct community outreach by the <br />facilitation of two (2) public outreach meetings/workshops. Outreach to the surrounding communities <br />for the public workshops will occur with information in English and Spanish. We will create Meeting <br />Agendas, Presentations, Renderings, Exhibits, and Comment Cards for the meeting. Workshops will <br />be held in person or virtually depending on State and Orange County COVID guidelines. Meeting <br />materials, in English and Spanish, will include fact sheets, maps, exhibits, and other content that can <br />be printed, emailed, and utilized for social media and websites. We recognize the Southwest Senior <br />Center has been utilized for previous community workshops. <br />Task 4.2 — Draft/Final Public Outreach Summary Reports (2): Dokken will prepare Meeting <br />Minutes to summarize the points of discussion and areas of concern highlighted at each of the public <br />workshops. The Meeting Minutes, along with a summary of workshop materials provided and photos <br />taken during the events will become part of the Draft and Final Public Outreach Summary Reports. <br />Task 4 Deliverables: Facilitate Two (2) Public Outreach Meetings/Workshops; Prepare/Provide <br />Meeting Materials; Fact Sheets and Informational Handouts; Social Media/Website Content; <br />Draft/Final Public Outreach Summary Reports <br />Task 5 — Utility Coordination <br />Task 5.1 — Utility Agency Letters 1-2-3 (A-B-C): Dokken will create a Utility Coordination Matrix to <br />track contract information and communication with utility companies. Our proven utility coordination <br />process matches the state and federally approved processes and involves sending out Letter No. 1's <br />or A -Letters to request as-builts to research all existing utility infrastructure including franchise utilities. <br />Letter No. 2's will be mailed to each utility company having facilities within the limits of project <br />improvements that have a potential to have conflicts with the proposed work. Included in the Letter <br />No. 2's, or B-Letters, are liability determination questions that seek to determine who has prior rights <br />of the facility in question. Finally, we will send out Letter No. 3's, C-Letters, or Notice to Owner Letters <br />notifying utility companies of project construction timelines to coordinate relocations or adjustments <br />before or during construction. <br />Task 5.2 — Utility Base Mapping and Conflict Resolution: Dokken Engineering will perform site <br />visits as needed to confirm the utility mapping obtained against topographic features provided by the <br />survey team. We will create a Utility Conflict Matrix to reconcile any discrepancies, identify potential <br />R§DOKKEN Page 1 3 <br />ENGINEERING <br />