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Ot <br />MCFADDEN AVENUE PROTECTED BIKE LANE AND <br />. • `- BICYCLE BOULEVARD PROJECT <br />CITY OF SANTA ANAL <br />conflicts, and prepare a plan to resolve each of the conflicts that cannot be designed around. We will <br />also identify potential electrical service points. We will provide the City with verification of utility <br />mapping via a comprehensive utility base file that includes a review of design plans and verification of <br />utility research to confirm conflicts and provide resolutions. <br />Task 5 Deliverables: Utility Coordination Matrix, Utility Conflict Matrix; Utility As-Builts; Utility 1-2-3 (A- <br />B-C) Letters; Existing/Proposed Utilities Base Map with Service Points <br />Task 6 — Railroad Coordination <br />Task 6.1 — CPUC and Railroad/Metrolink Communications: Dokken will initiate contact with the <br />Railroad/Metrolink to gain approvals of the proposed improvements and to prepare applications as <br />needed to gain right of entry permits for engineering and construction since the railroad will require <br />approval of any improvements within their right-of-way. Dokken will facilitate preliminary and final plan <br />reviews by the Railroad/Metrolink, coordinate resolution of design comments, and assist the City of <br />Santa Ana with obtaining concurrence on the prosed improvements. <br />Task 6.2 — GO-88B Application and Exhibits: Dokken will lead the effort to gain CPUC approvals <br />pending final design. If it is determined by the PDT that the at -grade crossing warrants significant <br />upgrades to the existing infrastructure at this crossing, then Dokken will coordinate with CPUC to <br />prepare a GO-88B Application, including all necessary reviews and revisions. <br />Task 6 Deliverables: RR Communications; Permits; GO-88B Application (with Revisions as needed) <br />Task 7 — Plans, Specifications, and Estimate (30%, 60%, 90%, and 100% Final PS&E) <br />Dokken will prepare submittal packages at the 30%, 60%, 90%, and 100% Final design levels and <br />coordinate meetings with City staff to review status and project specifics for each of those submittals. <br />Task 7.1 — 30% Concept Plans and Estimate: Dokken will prepare preliminary street improvement, <br />signing/striping, planting/irrigation, and signal modification plans with an engineer's estimate of costs <br />for this 30% Concept Plans and Estimate Submittal. We will utilize exhibits to convey design intents. <br />Task 7.2 — 60% PS&E: Dokken will incorporate all City comments and concerns from the 30% <br />Concept Plans and Estimate Submittal. We will prepare a Response to Comment Matrix to ensure all <br />30% comments are adequately addressed to the satisfaction of all reviewers. Dokken will prepare <br />60% PS&E to include the following plan sheets: <br />• Title Sheet (City Boiler Template) = 1 sheet <br />• Typical Cross Sections = 3 sheets <br />• Street Improvement Plan (20 Scale Layout & Profile) = 18 sheets (covering 560' each) <br />• Construction Details = 4 sheets (covering Civil, Sign/Stripe, & Traffic Electrical Details) <br />• Drainage System Modification Plan (20 Scale Layout & Profile) = 5 sheets (covers 3 systems) <br />• Traffic Signal Modification (20 Scale) = 15 sheets (covering 1 Location each) <br />O 5 Locations with Class IV impacts by FPL <br />O 10 Locations with Class II impacts by DE <br />• Traffic Signal Interconnect (40 Scale) = 19 sheets (covering 1,120' each) <br />o 10 Signals Anticipated to Add Interconnection by FPL (9 already Interconnected) <br />• Channelization Plan (40 Scale) = 19 sheets (covering 1,120' each) <br />• Landscape Plan and Details (40 Scale) = 15 sheets (6 Planting, 6 Irrigation, 3 Details) <br />TOTAL SHEETS = 99 <br />Task 7.3 — 90% PS&E: Dokken will incorporate all City comments and concerns from the 60% PS&E <br />Submittal. We will prepare a Response to Comment Matrix to ensure all 60% comments are <br />adequately addressed to the satisfaction of all reviewers, meeting as needed to discuss responses. <br />R§DOKKEN Page 1 4 <br />ENGINEERING <br />