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approach agreed upon by both parties. If there still remains any ambiguity or disagreement, we can explore <br />other resources that could possibly assist, such as subject matter professionals within the Government <br />Accounting Standards Board staff or the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) or perhaps other <br />municipalities who may have dealt with similar issues. <br />Use of technology in the a0dit <br />We're reimagining the audit process through technology to elevate your experience! <br />Secure, Interactive Request Lists <br />Anal tics and Insights <br />Y >; <br />`■`�� Impactful Interactions <br />Assurance Information Exchange (AIE) — To make working with CLA a seamless experience, our team utilizes a <br />proprietary, secure web -based application to request and obtain documents necessary to complete client <br />engagements. This application allows CLA and our clients to view a live client assistance letter client, which <br />provides detailed information, including due dates for all the open items CLA is requesting. Additionally, clients <br />can attach electronic files and add commentary related to the document requests directly on the application. <br />Follow the link to view a brief tutorial of the Assurance Information Exchange. <br />Microsoft' Teams— Our services approach focuses on impactful interactions. We've said goodbye to the days of <br />setting up camp in our clients' conference rooms for weeks on end. We know our clients have organizations to <br />run, so our interactions have purpose. To assist with communications when we are not onsite, we utilize tools <br />such as Microsoft Teams, which allow for two-way screen sharing and video, We've found this helps minimize <br />disruptions in our clients' environments while continuing to effectively communication with each other. <br />TeamMate Analytics and Expert Analyzer (TeamMate) — To analyze <br />and understand large data sets, we use TeamMate Analytics and Expert <br />Analyzer. We customize the application by industry in order to perform B. Response <br />the most applicable procedures. This allows us to go beyond sampling tTcnument <br />and instead analyze the entire general ledger for targeted anomalies. 'IF DotoAnalytics <br />Far beyond the audit application, our six -phase process of Risk methodotogy <br />Assessment, Data Analytics and Review (RADAR) can also provide A ro <br />actionable insights to help you understand your entity better. <br />4. Technical <br />Data Analysis <br />