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Item 15 - Agreement for Professional Auditing Services
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
05/04/2021 Regular
Item 15 - Agreement for Professional Auditing Services
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4/9/2024 4:36:50 PM
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8/21/2023 4:56:54 PM
City Clerk
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Clerk of the Council
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Commitment to Communication with Management <br />As you will see, we are committed to ongoing communication throughout the engagement. Continual <br />communication starts when an engagement letter is issued, continues until the completion or closeout of an <br />engagement, and throughout the remainder of the year. We believe effective communication is critical to a <br />successful engagement. This communication includes the exchange of ideas and advice as changes are <br />considered or implemented by the entity or the accounting profession. <br />During the engagement we will hold regular status meetings with the City to enhance day-to-day operations, to <br />communicate results, and to ensure that any issues are commonly understood and addressed. The objectives of <br />tracking and formally reporting the engagement status are to: <br />• Provide a consistent technique for monitoring progress against plan <br />• Identify any issues quickly to allow for timely corrective action <br />• Provide an objective rather than subjective evaluation of status <br />• Provide timely information on a regular basis <br />• Assist with obtaining buy -in of any audit recommendations on a timely basis <br />Working remotely under special circumstances <br />CLA exists to create opportunities for our clients, our people, and our communities. For several years now we <br />have fostered a remote culture throughout the firm understanding that flexibility to work remotely enables us <br />to better serve our clients under a variety of circumstances. In fact, we had already implemented a number of <br />tools, before the Covid-19 pandemic developed, such as Assurance Information Exchange (AIE) and Microsoft® <br />Teams, which we utilize to provide seamless service to our clients. <br />As we continue to navigate these uncertain times, CLA will work with the District to determine the correct <br />balance of in -person and remote field work to best meet the District's needs. If onsite work is performed, a <br />senior supervising auditor will be on site for 100% of the time when procedures are performed, and the <br />principals will be available throughout field work. Whether we are working with the District remotely or in <br />person, CLA is committed to performing your audit services and meeting your deadlines. <br />c. Segmentation, timeline, and completion dates <br />An important distinction between CLA and other firms is the amount of principal and manager involvement in <br />the engagement. Because our principals and managers are directly involved in the engagement during fieldwork, <br />we can proactively identify significant issues immediately and resolve them with management so that the <br />engagement is essentially complete when fieldwork ends. <br />We expect that the majority of our audit hours will be concentrated in the high -risk audit areas. Our approach is <br />not to overwork every account with extensive substantive testing. While substantive testing remains part of the <br />process, we think out -of -the -box analytically, identify relationships and truly learn about your operations. <br />Assuming that the interim fieldwork commences in late May or early June and final fieldwork commencing in <br />October, the following is an abbreviated suggested timeline and milestones to meet the deadlines listed in the <br />RFP: <br />
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