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<br /> <br /> <br />Housing Authority of the City of Santa Ana <br />Request for Proposals for Case Management Services <br />Page 9 <br />The proposals will be reviewed by a Review Panel of Housing Authority staff members. The Panel will <br />evaluate Proposals based on their response to the RFP. A final score will be calculated for each submitted <br />proposal and used to rank the proposal. The highest scoring proposers will be informed after the scoring <br />and evaluation is complete. The Panel will recommend award of the contract to the proposer who will <br />provide the best quality service to the Housing Authority. The Housing Authority reserves the right to <br />negotiate pricing and for additional interviews. The Housing Authority will notify the successful firm(s) by <br />email of invitation for a final oral interview, demonstrations, and/or award. <br />XIII. PUBLIC RECORDS <br />Proposals will become public record after award of agreement. Interested offerors may submit an e-mail <br />request to receive results of the evaluation. Proposer information identified as proprietary information shall <br />be maintained confidential, to the extent allowed under the California Public Records Act. Please submit <br />your request to Judson Brown, Housing Division Manager, at <br />XIV. FILING A PROTEST <br />Bidders may file a “protest” with the Housing Authority. In order for a contractor’s protest to be considered <br />valid, the protest must: <br /> <br />1. Be filed in writing within five (5) business days of either the RFP posted date or before 5:00 p.m. of <br />the 5th business day following the posting of RFP results/Notice of Intent to Award Contract on the <br />City’s website; <br />2. Clearly identify the specific irregularity or accusation; <br />3. Clearly identify the specific City staff determination or recommendation being protested; <br />4. Specify, in detail, the grounds of the protest and the facts supporting the protest; and <br />5. Include all relevant, supporting documentation with the protest at time of filing. <br /> <br />If the protest does not comply with each of these requirements, it will be rejected as invalid. If the protest is <br />valid, the City’s Housing Division Manager, or other designated City staff member, shall review the basis of <br />the protest and all relevant information. The Housing Division Manager will provide a written decision to the <br />protestor within fourteen (14) calendar days from receipt of protest. The dec ision from the Housing Division <br />Manager, or her/her designee, is final and no further appeals will be considered. <br />EXHIBIT 1