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Item 24 - Regional and Unified Local Workforce Plan for PY 2021-24
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
04/06/2021 Regular
Item 24 - Regional and Unified Local Workforce Plan for PY 2021-24
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8/21/2023 5:20:49 PM
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8/21/2023 5:20:22 PM
City Clerk
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moving into employment with family-sustaining wages. Workforce development programs and <br />supports should not be designed as a one-size-fits-all solution. The populations we serve are <br />diverse, and program designs should reflect this diversity if we are going to close the skills gap <br />and combat economic inequality. Career pathways are a service-delivery model that can close <br />achievement gaps and advance racial equity by helping individuals build skills over time. Career <br />pathways are a long-term approach to serving individuals with limited basic skills or other <br />employment barriers that the local boards are committed to developing. <br /> <br />Sector partnership work will also provide an opportunity for the RPU to address issues such as <br />degree inflation that tend to exclude minorities from jobs during the hiring process. According <br />to Manjari Raman, director of Harvard Business School’s project on Managing the Future of Work, <br />degree inflation refers to jobs that historically required more than a high school diploma or less <br />than a college degree but now require a college degree 24. Explicitly requiring degrees for <br />positions instead of the jobs’ skills exacerbates the effect of racial disparities in educational <br />achievement and eliminates workers who may have acquired the skills in other ways. Also, <br />through sector partnership work, other hiring practices that disproportionately affect minorities, <br />such as automatically excluding potential employees using criminal background checks and credit <br />checks, can be discussed. <br /> <br />Another strategy that the sector partnerships will address is creating work-based learning <br />programs and pre-apprenticeship programs. Pre-apprenticeships can be valuable for people of <br />color who have been historically underrepresented in apprenticeships. Work-based learning <br />programs can provide vital formal access to employers that the population may not have had <br />when relying on their existing professional and social networks. <br /> <br />During the regional planning meetings, two general themes surfaced every session. One was <br />how some people lacked access to OC One-Stop services and the second issue was the lack of <br />digital literacy and access to broadband services. These are issues that the pandemic has <br />exacerbated. Attendees discussed how transportation and childcare needs, and a general lack of <br />understanding of the services available, contribute to preventing a large percentage of those <br />most in need of assistance from accessing them. The local boards recognize specific populations <br />require more outreach and require unique methods and strategies for locating, attracting, and <br />retaining their participation in workforce programs. The Orange County Board recently <br />purchased a mobile unit equipped with 12 computers inside and a monitor outside for <br />presentations. The mobile unit is accessible by wheelchair by using the wheelchair lift. The <br />mobile unit will serve as a mobile One-Stop Center for the Orange County community. During <br />the regional planning meetings, the local boards discussed options for deploying the mobile unit <br />to low-income communities, areas not close to a comprehensive One-Stop Center, and partner <br />locations to increase access and awareness of services. Also, the partners will explore developing <br />and using outreach and communication responsive to the targeted populations. The boards and <br />partner agencies will also explore additional referral agreements and referral processes with <br />24 Morgan, Kate. “'Degree Inflation': How the Four-Year Degree Became Required.” BBC Worklife, BBC, 28 Jan. 2021, <br /> <br />required#:~:text=Cornett%20is%20a%20victim%20of,Managing%20the%20Future%20of%20Work. <br />EXHIBIT 1
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