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other organizations that can be engaged as partners to serve targeted people in their <br />communities. Disadvantaged and vulnerable populations need increased support services, <br />multiple service strategies, co-enrollment in additional programs, referrals to community service <br />providers, and a team approach to succeed in the labor market. <br /> <br />Broadband internet access is necessary for participants to complete enrollment applications, <br />financial aid applications, and work requirements. Job openings are now almost exclusively <br />accessible via the internet. Many job search websites are not fully accessible to mobile phone <br />users. The digital divide between people who have broadband internet access and those who <br />have no access or cell phone-only access is also a huge barrier to accessing post-secondary <br />education and entering the workforce. The RPU and regional partners have discussed the need <br />for partners to collectively address the digital divide and commit to convening a workgroup to <br />address this issue. <br /> <br />The RPU has had informal conversations on strategies to address issues related to equity. The <br />boards are committed to continuing the dialogue on regional equity issues and policy <br />development related to equity. <br /> <br />2D. ALIGNING, COORDINATING, AND INTEGRATING PROGRAMS AND SERVICES <br />2Di . Describe any regional service strategies, including use of cooperative service <br />delivery agreements or MOU. <br />A cooperative service agreement has been established between the three local boards to solidify <br />the commitment to the overall workforce and economic development of the OC Region through <br />system alignment, integration of service delivery, and leverage/braiding of funding. The regional <br />boards have a very active and healthy partnership. Regional service strategies include: <br /> <br />• Improve and enhance customer experience by ensuring staff receives ongoing <br />professional development training and cross-training <br />• Meet the needs of employers by implementing and scaling career pathways <br />• Improve the quality of the workforce by improving alignment and partner connections <br />• Align investments in targeted populations and industry sectors <br />• Expand opportunities for employers and participants to engage in integrated learning <br />and work experience activities <br />• Sharing resources and braiding funds for tools and services that support the region as a <br />whole <br /> <br />2Dii.Describe any regional administrative cost arrangements, including the pooling <br />of funds for administrative costs for the region. <br />The three boards in the Orange County RPU collaborate on multiple projects, with one or the <br />other board acting as the fiscal agent. The RPU does not have any overarching arrangements or <br />intent to pool funds for administrative costs at this time. <br /> <br />EXHIBIT 1