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- In order to ensure proper maintenance of a continued balanced budget the City Council will adopt e <br />compensation and retirement benefit directive that provides guidance and conforms with the established <br />budget directives and reserve requirements asoutlined in this policy. <br />One -Time Monies <br />Fund Balance determined to be one-time in nature, indud�ng but not limited to: ending operating balance, <br />una||ocatedfundba|anuaorum-appropriated°Assigned"fundba|anceishereino|assifiedas°Qne'Trnennonies". <br />Utilization of one-time monies is allowable upon two-thirds approval by the City Council to be utilized in the event <br />a structural budget deficit exists. Use of one-time funds is allowable for one-year and may be eligible for two <br />consecutive years upon further consideration bythe City Council. <br />Unassigned Fund Balance <br />In accordance with Governmental Accounting Standards Board /GASEA 54 and continuing to ensure a continued <br />orderly operation ofCity Government a,ndaddress any unforeseen economic occurrences, the City shall establish <br />the following Reserve Accounts within the Unassigned Fund, Balance category: <br />w Operating Reserve <br />• Economic Uncertainty Reserve <br />w Uma||ocatedAmount <br />As a result of the GA5B 54, the following fund balance categories were also created- Non -Spendable; Restricted; <br />Committed; Assigned and Unassigned. <br />Operating Reserve Account <br />As a olea�suna ofprudent fiscal health and recommendations made byGF0A, the City created an Operating <br />Reserve Account, disclosing a range where two months (approximately 15.57%) up to twenty percent (2096) of <br />recurring General Fund (011) operating revenues or expenditures (including transfers) are maintained. At no time <br />is it perrmissib|efor the Operating Reserve requirement tofall below the above -referenced threshold range. <br />Such Operating Reserves shall not be used to fund any form of operating expenditures or to cover any budgetary <br />shortfall other than tnpreserve ongoing cash flow needs for the City. Ifatany point intime itisdeemed that the <br />City budget is perfomming at a budgetary structural deficit and a "Fiscal Emergency" is declared, the use of the <br />above -referenced Operating Reserve account is permissible for up to two consecutive fiscal years upon approval <br />by two thirds of the City Council. The utilization of the Operating Reserve in Year Two (2) reqWres u plan to <br />replenish the funds utilized. <br />Asamatter of prudence and fiscal solvency and inthe event of a projected and/or realized structural deficit <br />(budget bass),the City will utilize Economic Uncertainty (see below for account description) account funds prior <br />to accessing the Operating Reserve account. <br />Economic Uncertainty Acmount <br />It is hereby established that upon fulfillment ofachieving a minimum Unassigned Reserve Account of1O94 the <br />City shall consider the establishment of a reserve account for Economic Uncertainty. The reserve for Economic <br />Uncertainty �s established to offset any major variations in tax receipts as well as fees and charges or unforeseen <br />cost increases. |tishereby established the City maintain mminimum reserve level of1to1U%mfrecurring General <br />Fund revenues with anobjective ofattaining a,maximum goal of1OY6. <br />- Upon determination by the Finance Department, that negative variations in projected revenues from the <br />largest revenue sources defined as Sales tax, Property tax, Property tax in Lieu, Utility Users tax, Business <br />Tax, and Hote� Visitors tax exceed 296with no corresponding General Fund expenditure offset, then the <br />Budget & Financial Pokes (Rev. 6/2017) Page 2 <br />