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Item 32 - Provide Direction for FY 2021-22 Budget
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
03/16/2021 Regular
Item 32 - Provide Direction for FY 2021-22 Budget
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4/9/2024 5:03:34 PM
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8/21/2023 5:28:55 PM
City Clerk
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Agenda Packet
Clerk of the Council
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City Council may authorize use of the Economic Uncertainty Reserve by a two-thirds vote to offset the <br />revenue loss prior to the close of the fiscal year end. 4 corresponding plan to replenish the reserve <br />account must be adopted by the same vote. <br />Upon determination by the Finance Department and report submission to the City Council that a <br />structural deficit exists in the budgeted forecast of the upcoming fiscal year, the City Council may <br />authorize use of the Economic Uncertainty Reserve to balance the budget by two thirds vote of the <br />Council. However, autbor[zatimn to utilize the Economic Uncertainty Reserve beyond two consecutive <br />years isstrictly prohibited. <br />General Work Plan for Achieving General Fund Reserve Objectives <br />The following work plan is intended to reach the unassigned reserve account of 15% in phases. The initial <br />objective is to attain at least a GY6 threshold over the course of the following fiscal year and between 7% and 8Y6 <br />over the subsequent fiscal year. Upon attainment of the phased objectives, a comprehensive review of the <br />general financia� condition of the City will be completed and a new reserve work plan vuiU be developed and <br />submitted for approval that outlines the next intermediate steps for meeting the main, objective of a reserve <br />target level of 1596. Until such time that the General Fund Unassigned Reserve meets the minimum phased <br />requirements as outlined above, the following budgetary and operational guidelines shall be used as a basis to <br />achiev*the various minimum requirements. <br />- Budget consideration, of new programs, personnel, or capital related expenditures shall only be <br />considered lfasource offunding isidentified either through acorresponding cost reduction, anidentified <br />generaY increase in general tax revenue, or a one-time revenue infusion. Source of funding should include <br />consideration nfongoing general maintenance and operational costs. <br />' Departments will be encouraged to continually achieve savings through internal organizational <br />efficiencies. <br />Technology will be encouraged if it can be demonstrated that a one-time capital infusion can result in <br />savings be,ing generated beyond two years. <br />- Any General Fund savings generated at the fiscal year end can be considered either for term specific <br />operational or capital needs but a minimum of 50% (up to 100%) of the savings shall be deposited into the <br />unassigned reserve balance until such time that the phased reserve levels are met. <br />- Any internal service fund that has funds in excess of the identified minimum reserve requirement as <br />outlined in this policy, can be utilized as a means to meet the minimum General Fund Reserve <br />requirements. Only unrestricted funds deenned1ransferab�Ae can be utilized, Any transfer tothe General <br />Fund Unassigned Reserve Balance will be submitted to Council for consideration and approval. <br />ln order bogenerate additional savings and until such time that the minimum level of reserves has been <br />achieved, the Budget Office will only utilize a fiscally conservative profile for revenue projections. <br />' if the phased reserve target requirements asoutlined above have not been met itisrecommended that <br />beginning in FY 14-15 a more conservative projection factor be used to generate forced budgetary <br />savings: <br />(NOTE: Each 1% equates to approximately $ 2m0Dom <br />FY1I-l3: 1OOY6ofrecurr[ngrevenue projected; <br />Budget & Financial Polices (Rev.6/2O17) Page <br />
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