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ATTACHMENT A <br />Orange County Central. Corridor Improvement Project <br />• Eliminating these short vehicular trips by shifting mode selection to cyclist or <br />pedestrian trips .also .provides environmental. benefits by reducing the emissions that <br />would have been associated with the vehiculat trips. <br />• The project improvements: are a mile or less from two major: arterials Grand Avenue <br />and Tustin Avenuewhich are primarily cohirbercial use. <br />• The project will provide safer bicycle and pedestrian facilities that connect to existing <br />OC Bus transit service, on both Grand Avenue and Tustin Avenue where they <br />intersect.with East Santa Clara Avenue, serving the transit dependent population. <br />• The new bike lane`facilities will connect to the existing Class I bike lanes along Grand <br />Avenue on thawest end of the project limits and to the Class II bike lanes along East <br />Santa Clara, Avenue on the east end starting on Pasadena Street. This. connection is <br />essential because It includes an existing overpass of the State Route. 55 Freeway, <br />reducing the high-speed and. low -visibility risks.. associated with bicyclists: and <br />pedestrians -crossing freewayon-rariipsand,off-ramps: <br />BCauoi.MOM Stree#..Bus-Stop.Arnenifies. <br />The enhanced passenger amenities would provide' further comfdrt lh the space where <br />there is a high transit dependency <br />. UO <br />A <br />Shcllers sealing Waste Bins Real.rlme Ntaps and <br />Information Schedules <br />The:O.0 Bus line where.these improvements would .be implemented is part of the <br />approved SCCP Bravol Main Street project. <br />Passenger amenities as near -term implementation strategies as part <br />of Orange County's Transit Plan OC Transit Vision, <br />