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Item 17 - Emergency Rental Assistance Program Spending Plan and Appropriation Adjustment
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
02/16/2021 Regular
Item 17 - Emergency Rental Assistance Program Spending Plan and Appropriation Adjustment
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Last modified
8/22/2023 8:25:45 AM
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8/22/2023 8:25:12 AM
City Clerk
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Agenda Packet
Clerk of the Council
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H.R.133—891 <br />(i) PRO RATA ADJUSTMENTS.—The Secretary shall <br />make pro rata reductions in the amounts of the alloca- <br />tions determined under clause (ii) of subparagraph (A) <br />for entities described in such clause as necessary to <br />ensure that the total amount of payments made pursu- <br />ant to such clause does not exceed the remainder <br />amount described in such clause. <br />(ii) DISTRIBUTION OF DECLINED FUNDS.—If the Sec- <br />retary determines as of 30 days after the date of enact- <br />ment of this Act that an entity described in clause <br />(ii) of subparagraph (A) has declined to receive its <br />full allocation under such clause then, not later than <br />15 days after such date, the Secretary shall redis- <br />tribute, on a pro rata basis, such allocation among <br />the other entities described in such clause that have <br />not declined to receive their allocations. <br />(3) ALLOCATIONS AND PAYMENTS TO TERRITORIES.— <br />(A) IN GENERAL.—From the amount reserved under <br />subsection (a)(2)(A), subject to subparagraph (B), the Sec- <br />retary shall allocate and pay to each eligible grantee <br />described in subparagraph (C) an amount equal to the <br />product of— <br />(i) the amount so reserved; and <br />(ii) each such eligible grantee’s share of the com- <br />bined total population of all such eligible grantees, <br />as determined by the Secretary. <br />(B) ALLOCATION ADJUSTMENT.— <br />(i) REQUIREMENT.—The sum of the amounts allo- <br />cated under subparagraph (A) to all of the eligible <br />grantees described in clause (ii) of subparagraph (C) <br />shall not be less than the amount equal to 0.3 percent <br />of the amount appropriated under subsection (a)(1). <br />(ii) REDUCTION.—The Secretary shall reduce the <br />amount of the allocation determined under subpara- <br />graph (A) for the eligible grantee described in clause <br />(i) of subparagraph (C) as necessary to meet the <br />requirement of clause (i). <br />(C) ELIGIBLE GRANTEES DESCRIBED.—The eligible <br />grantees described in this subparagraph are— <br />(i) the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico; and <br />(ii) the United States Virgin Islands, Guam, the <br />Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and <br />American Samoa. <br />(c) USE OF FUNDS.— <br />(1) IN GENERAL.—An eligible grantee shall only use the <br />funds provided from a payment made under this section to <br />provide financial assistance and housing stability services to <br />eligible households. <br />(2) FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE.— <br />(A) IN GENERAL.—Not less than 90 percent of the funds <br />received by an eligible grantee from a payment made under <br />this section shall be used to provide financial assistance <br />to eligible households, including the payment of <br />(i) rent; <br />(ii) rental arrears; <br />(iii) utilities and home energy costs; <br />(iv) utilities and home energy costs arrears; and <br />EXHIBIT 1
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