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H.R.133—892 <br />(v) other expenses related to housing incurred due, <br />directly or indirectly, to the novel coronavirus disease <br />(COVID-19) outbreak, as defined by the Secretary. <br />Such assistance shall be provided for a period not to exceed <br />12 months except that grantees may provide assistance <br />for an additional 3 months only if necessary to ensure <br />housing stability for a household subject to the availability <br />of funds. <br />(B) LIMITATION ON ASSISTANCE FOR PROSPECTIVE RENT <br />PAYMENTS.— <br />(i) IN GENERAL.—Subject to the exception in clause <br />(ii), an eligible grantee shall not provide an eligible <br />household with financial assistance for prospective rent <br />payments for more than 3 months based on any <br />application by or on behalf of the household. <br />(ii) EXCEPTION.—For any eligible household <br />described in clause (i), such household may receive <br />financial assistance for prospective rent payments for <br />additional months: <br />(I) subject to the availability of remaining <br />funds currently allocated to the eligible grantee, <br />and <br />(II) based on a subsequent application for addi- <br />tional financial assistance provided that the total <br />months of financial assistance provided to the <br />household do not exceed the total months of assist- <br />ance allowed under subparagraph (A). <br />(iii) FURTHER LIMITATION.—To the extent that <br />applicants have rental arrears, grantees may not make <br />commitments for prospective rent payments unless <br />they have also provided assistance to reduce an eligible <br />household’s rental arrears. <br />(C) DISTRIBUTION OF FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE.— <br />(i) PAYMENTS.— <br />(I) IN GENERAL.—With respect to financial <br />assistance for rent and rental arrears and utilities <br />and home energy costs and utility and home energy <br />costs arrears provided to an eligible household <br />from a payment made under this section, an <br />eligible grantee shall make payments to a lessor <br />or utility provider on behalf of the eligible house- <br />hold, except that, if the lessor or utility provider <br />does not agree to accept such payment from the <br />grantee after outreach to the lessor or utility pro- <br />vider by the grantee, the grantee may make such <br />payments directly to the eligible household for the <br />purpose of making payments to the lessor or utility <br />provider. <br />(II) RULE OF CONSTRUCTION.—Nothing in this <br />section shall be construed to invalidate any other- <br />wise legitimate grounds for eviction. <br />(ii) DOCUMENTATION.—For any payments made by <br />an eligible grantee to a lessor or utility provider on <br />behalf of an eligible household, the eligible grantee <br />shall provide documentation of such payments to such <br />household. <br />EXHIBIT 1