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<br />PROPOSAL STANDARD AVENUE PROTECTED BIKE LANES <br />3RD TO WARNER <br />City of Santa Ana <br />Organizational Stability and Strength <br />Mark Thomas provides clients with an assurance of stability that few other firms can offer, even during <br />changing economic times. As a privately owned, California Corporation, we are positioned to ride out the <br />financial downturns that impact larger, publicly-traded companies in our industry. Mark Thomas is rated <br />financially strong by Dun & Bradstreet and has never borrowed or used our line of credit to maintain <br />company operations. Our firm has never experienced receivership or other financial difficulties since its <br />founding. In 2019, our revenue exceeded $63 million and we currently enjoy a gross backlog of $65 million. <br />The bottom line benefit – a reliable firm with committed staff that will see through the City’s project <br />through to completion. <br />SUBCONSULTANTS <br />Mark Thomas has rounded out our internal team with quality subconsultants with whom we have <br />previously worked on similar projects, and who focus on active transportation and intersection <br />improvements projects. We have included Fehr & Peers for traffic signal & design, Arrellano Associates <br />for public outreach, and KTUA for landscape and irrigation. Brief firm bios are provided below. <br />Fehr & Peers I Traffic Signals & Protected Intersection Design <br />Fehr & Peers has specialized in providing transportation planning <br />and engineering design services to public agencies since 1985 <br />and provides the unique combination of a nationally renowned bicycle and pedestrian practice with <br />local expertise for this project. They offer broad experience in multimodal operations and simulation, <br />bicycle and pedestrian planning, and complete streets design projects similar to the City’s project. <br />They previously worked with multiple cities and public agencies to develop concepts and renderings <br />for similar projects, and they are currently working with us on the Mendez Historic Trail & Green Street <br />Bikeway Project and Garden Grove Boulevard Complete Streets Project in Westminster, Central City <br />Bikeways in Sacramento, and the Limonite Gap Closure (Class I bikeway) in Eastvale. <br />Arrellano Associates (AA) I Public Outreach <br />AA specializes in communications and public outreach, community and <br />government relations, and strategic planning and marketing programs. AA <br />is well qualified to provide the City of Santa Ana with outreach services that <br />exceed the minimum requirement. The AA team has the necessary and relevant project experience, <br />range of technical communication tools, and firm reputations for successfully servicing projects. <br />Specifically, AA has current and previous project experience with the City of Santa Ana on a variety <br />of projects and this long-standing relationship history will be vital to implementation of a successful <br />outreach program. <br />KTUA (SBE) I Landscape Planning and Irrigation <br />As planners and landscape architects, KTUA is focused on the principles <br />of healthy placemaking – a collaborative process for reshaping the public <br />realm of our neighborhoods, communities and regions. Well designed <br />streets, parks, open spaces, public places and buildings facilitate human connectivity and improve <br />people’s mental, physical and social health. In their vision and our actions, KTUA collaborates with our <br />community leaders, public agencies, private developers, allied professionals, neighbors and families <br />to develop implementable plans that address social, physical, environmental and economic goals that <br />shape healthy places. KTUA has extensive experience in Orange County planning and implementing <br />active transportation facilities, including the Central Santa Ana Complete Streets (CSACS) Plan. <br />4