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Brian Hendricks <br />Magis Realty, LLC <br />January 5, 2020 <br />Parking Demand Assessment <br />The following assessment was conducted to review the proposed parking supply against the anticipated <br />demand/need for parking for an affordable housing project. Affordable housing residents, due to the <br />eligibility requirements, generally have less access to vehicles and tend to rely more on alternative forms <br />of transportation. The project is within a TPA which will provide high quality bus service to residents. It is <br />also anticipated that the larger units with multiple bedrooms will be occupied by a high percentage of <br />children who are not old enough to drive. Therefore, the proposed project is anticipated to require less <br />parking than a typical, market rate apartment project. The analysis below reviews empirical data collected <br />through the Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT)'s affordable housing study and data <br />collected at an affordable housing project within the City of Santa Ana. <br />LADOT Parking Rates <br />LADOT collected parking data across Los Angeles County for affordable housing projects and developed <br />the rates shown in Table 2 for two affordable housing types: Family Units and Permanent Supportive <br />Housing Units. Source data for LADOT affordable housing parking rates are provided as Appendix A. <br />TABLE 2 — Project Demand using LADOT Parking Rates <br />Rate <br />Unit Type DUs (spaces Quantity <br />per Unit) <br />Family 58 0.85 49 PS <br />Permanent Supportive Housing 26 0.29 8 PS <br />Total 84 57 PS <br />Notes: <br />1. DUs = Dwelling Units, PS = Parking Spaces <br />3 1 P a g e <br />