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Brian Hendricks <br />Magis Realty, LLC <br />January 5, 2020 <br />Santa Ana Affordable Housing Site Rates <br />A parking study was performed at the Orchards Apartments, which is an affordable housing project in <br />Santa Ana that was developed by Community Development Partners and is managed by Mercy House. <br />We counted parking demand on a Tuesday night/Wednesday Morning and on a Saturday night/Sunday <br />morning in September 2020. Data was collected at 1:00 AM when the highest demand for parking is <br />typically expected. The Orchards site contains 72 units and is 100% occupied. These units are all single <br />bedroom units. Saturday was found to be the day with the highest demand for parking at 25 occupied <br />spaces and six empty spaces. A 15% buffer was applied to the count data to present a conservative <br />parking demand rate. <br />TABLE 2 — Santa Ana Parking Counts and Demand Rates <br />Final <br />Total Demand Parking <br />Day parking Occupied Occupied Spaces/ Demand <br />Spaces Spaces Units Unit Rate <br />Saturday 31 25 72 0.35 0.40 <br />Weekdav 31 23 72 0.32 0.37 <br />Since the data collected was all for single bedroom units, the parking demand analysis below <br />conservatively applied the parking demand rate on a per bedroom basis to prepare the final parking <br />demand estimates which effectively applies the highest measurable rate to all units. This likely <br />overestimates the parking demand for the site, but the estimate is 45 spaces lower than the proposed <br />number of spaces. <br />TABLE 3 — Project Demand using Santa Ana Rates <br />Rate <br />Unit Type <br />DUs <br />(spaces per <br />Quantity <br />bedroom) <br />One -Bedroom Unit <br />23 DU <br />0.40 <br />9 PS <br />Two -Bedroom Unit <br />3 DU <br />0.40 <br />2 PS <br />Three -Bedroom Unit <br />34 DU <br />0.40 <br />41 PS <br />Four -Bedroom Unit <br />24 DU <br />0•40 <br />38 PS <br />Manager Unit <br />1 DU <br />0.40 <br />1 PS <br />Total <br />85 DU <br />91 SP <br />Notes: <br />1. DUs = Dwelling Units, PS = Parking Spaces <br />4 1 P a g e <br />