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Brian Hendricks <br />Magis Realty, LLC <br />January 5, 2020 <br />California Government Code Section 69515 Density Bonus Incentives <br />Per California Government Section 65915(p)(3)(A) a development consisting solely as affordable housing <br />units and within one-half mile of a major transit stop is eligible for a parking rate of 0.5 spaces per unit. As <br />such, a total of 43 spaces would be required and the project provides 92 spaces in excess of state law <br />incentives that the project is eligible for. <br />TABLE 4 — Project Demand using CA Gov Code Rates <br />Rate <br />Unit Type <br />DUs <br />(spaces <br />Quantity <br />per Unit) <br />One -Bedroom Unit <br />23 DU <br />0.50 <br />12 PS <br />Two -Bedroom Unit <br />3 DU <br />0.50 <br />2 PS <br />Three -Bedroom Unit <br />34 DU <br />0.50 <br />17 PS <br />Four -Bedroom Unit <br />23 DU <br />0.50 <br />12 PS <br />Manager Unit <br />1 DU <br />0.50 <br />1 PS <br />Total <br />84 DU <br />44 SP <br />Notes: <br />1. DUs = Dwelling Units, PS = Parking Spaces <br />Conclusion <br />The project site is proposing to provide parking at a rate of approximately 1.6 spaces per unit. The <br />proposed rate is 50% higher than the demand measured at a similar site in Santa Ana (0.4 spaces per <br />bedroom or approximately 1.1 spaces per unit), and more than double what LADOT measured for <br />affordable housing parking demand (approximately 0.7 spaces per unit). In addition, the project provides <br />paring at a rate that is approximately 70% higher than required by state law for affordable housing <br />projects within a one-half mile of a major transit stop. Therefore, the proposed parking supply is <br />considered sufficient for the project. <br />5 1 P a g e <br />