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GPA No. 2020-07, AA No. 2020-05 - Westview Housing <br />December 14, 2020 <br />Page 6 <br />If the zone change is approved, site -specific objectives, policies and development standards will <br />be used to guide the development of the proposed project such as setbacks, parking and height <br />to allow the exclusive entitlement of the affordable housing project. The SD document has been <br />drafted to be consistent with the project and prohibits future modifications to enlarge or reduce <br />the size of the project. The zone change needs to be approved in conjunction with the proposed <br />General Plan Amendment in order for the project to be consistent with the General Plan. <br />California _Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) <br />A Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) including several technical studies (Air Quality, Green <br />House Gas, and Energy modeling, Cultural Resource Assessment, Preliminary Geotechnical and <br />Infiltration study, Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, Traffic Impact Analysis, Preliminary <br />WQMP, Noise and Vibration) was prepared for the project. No areas of significance or <br />unavoidable impacts were determined to occur from the construction or operation of the <br />proposed project with the implementation of mitigation measures (Exhibit 1). The MND was <br />available for public review and comment for 20-days as required by CEQA. A total of two <br />comments were received: one from the Orange County Fire Authority and the second from a <br />resident. Written responses to the comments were prepared and incorporated into the <br />environmental document. <br />As part of the MND and in response to comments received at the Sunshine meeting, a Traffic <br />Impact Analysis prepared by Fehr & Peers and reviewed by the Public Works Agency. The study <br />concludes that the project would generate 462 daily trips (31 a.m. peak trips and 37 p.m. peak <br />trips). The study also analyzed if the project would substantially increase traffic on the adjacent <br />residential streets (16th Street and Huron Drive). Although there is no direct vehicular access or <br />egress to Huron Drive, the project is anticipated to increase the number of average daily trips on <br />16m Street and Huron Drive by 83 trips per day. These additional trips would not substantially <br />increase the total number of average daily trips on the neighborhood streets. Therefore, the <br />project is not anticipated to result in a substantial increase to the neighborhood traffic conditions. <br />The project will be required to pay it's fair share contribution to improvements at the intersections <br />of Westminster Avenue and Fairview Street, Mar Les Drive and Westminster Avenue, and 16tn <br />Street and Fairview Street. <br />In addition, a Noise and Vibration study was prepared to analyze the potential noise and vibration <br />impacts of the construction and operation of the project including traffic. Construction noise from <br />the project would not exceed 90 dBA Leq during daytime activities and would comply with the <br />SAMC construction hours of 7:00 a.m. 'to 8:00 p.m. Per the SAMC, the maximum exterior noise <br />standard is 50 dBA and interior is 45 dBA for residential properties. The project would generate <br />noise from rooftop heating, ventilation, and air conditioning equipment, delivery- and trash - <br />hauling trucks, on -site vehicle circulation and parking, and light outdoor recreation. To mitigate <br />these impacts a 6-foot high block wall will be around the project perimeter with an 8-foot high <br />CMU wall constructed between the playground area and adjacent single-family residence. <br />Mitigation Measures N-1 and N-2 require that the project incorporates exterior building materials <br />(windows, walls, and doors) with sufficient Sound Transmission Class ratings to reduce interior <br />noise levels below 45 dBA and sound attenuation features (i.e. double -paned or laminated glass, <br />