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GPA No. 2020-07, AA No. 2020-05 - Westview Housing <br />December 14, 2020 <br />Page 8 <br />CEQA and Public Notification & Community Outreach <br />Public Notification & Community Outreach <br />Required Measures <br />A virtual community meeting was held on July 20, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. in <br />accordance with the provisions of the City's Sunshine Ordinance and in light of the <br />COVID-19 pandemic. Invitations/notices were mailed to property owners and <br />occupants/tenants in a 500-foot radius from the project site. There were <br />approximately 19 Zoom participants. The applicant provided all the required <br />information to the City after the meeting. Details from the community meeting <br />were posted to the project's webpage at <br />division/major-planning-protects-and-monthly-development-proiect- <br />reportsMestview-Housing Exhibit 13 <br />A public noticed was posted on the project site on December 2, 2020. <br />Notification by mail was mailed to all property owners and occupants within 500 <br />feet of the project site on December 2, 2020. <br />Newspaper posting was published in the Orange County Register on December 2, <br />2020. <br />Additional Measures <br />On November 12, 2020 the Public Works Agency and Planning Division staff held <br />a neighborhood meeting to discuss the Traffic Impact Analysis for the project and <br />future capital improvements. Five residents participated. <br />On December 3, 2020, the applicant held a virtual meeting with the neighborhood <br />to provide a status update on the project. <br />Conclusion <br />Based on the analysis provided within this report, staff recommends that the Planning <br />Commission recommend that the City Council adopt Mitigated Negative Declaration and <br />Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, Environmental Review No. 2020-48, adopt a <br />resolution approving General Plan Amendment No. 2020-07 and recommend that the City <br />Council adopt an ordinance approving Amendment Application No. 2020-05. <br />Selena Kelaher, AICP <br />Associate Planner <br />SK: sb <br />MADevelopment ProjectsOP 2020-15_2534 W Westminster Ave—Westview Affordable HousinglPC Staff Report- Westview House.Doc <br />Exhibits: 1. Mitigated Negative Declaration Resolution <br />2. General Plan Amendment Resolution <br />3. Amendment Application Resolution and Specific Development No. 97 <br />4. Existing Zoning and Aerial View <br />5. Site Photos <br />6. Site Plan <br />7. Open Space Plan <br />