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CR-1 Archeological Resource Construction Monitoring <br />Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the property <br />Verify project has <br />Prior to issuance of any Once for City of Santa <br />owner/developer shall retain a qualified archeologist <br />retained qualified <br />grading permits archaeologist Ana Planning <br />meeting the Secretary of the Interior's Professional <br />archeologist to be <br />retention and Building <br />Qualification Standards for archaeology (National Park <br />present during all initial <br />At the commencement Agency <br />Service 1983) to be present during all initial subsurface <br />subsurface ground- <br />of ground -disturbing Continuous <br />ground -disturbing construction activities. At the <br />disturbing construction <br />activities, thereafter, throughout <br />commencement of construction activities, an orientation <br />activities <br />every eight weeks unless grading and <br />meeting shall be conducted by the qualified archeologist, <br />there are no new ground <br />construction manager, general contractor, subcontractor, <br />Verify completion of <br />construction personnel disturbing <br />and construction workers associated with ground- <br />orientation meeting at <br />activities <br />disturbing activities. The orientation meeting shall <br />commencement of <br />describe the potential of exposing archeological <br />construction activities <br />resources, the types of resources that may be <br />and review <br />encountered, and directions on the steps that shall be <br />documentation <br />taken if such a find is encountered. <br />demonstrating worker <br />attendance <br />CR-2 Unanticipated Discovery of Archeological Resources <br />If archeological resources are encountered during <br />Field verify ground- <br />On an as -needed basis if Once for City of Santa <br />ground -disturbing activities, the construction manager <br />disturbing construction <br />archaeological resources ceased Ana Planning <br />shall immediately halt all work activities within 100 feet <br />activities have ceased, <br />are found construction and Building <br />of the discovery and a qualified archeologist meeting the <br />if archaeological <br />activities Agency <br />Secretary of the Interior's Professional Qualification <br />resources are found <br />Standards for archeology (National Park Service 1983) <br />As needed for <br />shall immediately evaluate the find. After cessation of <br />Consult with qualified <br />consultation <br />ground -disturbing activities, the construction manager <br />archaeologist for <br />efforts <br />shall immediately contact the City's Planning and Building <br />appropriate treatment <br />Agency. Work shall not resume until authorized by the <br />of find <br />Director/Manager (or his/her designee), and the qualified <br />archeologist. <br />If the qualified archeologist determines that the <br />Consult with Native <br />discovery constitutes a significant resource under CEQA, <br />American <br />preservation in place is the preferred manner of <br />representatives for <br />mitigation. In the event preservation in place is <br />appropriate treatment <br />demonstrated infeasible, and data recovery is <br />of find, as needed <br />determined to be the only feasible mitigation option, a <br />detailed Cultural Resources Treatment Plan shall be <br />prepared and implemented by a qualified archeologist in <br />Resolution No. 2021-xx <br />Page 8 of 14 <br />