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consultation with the City. The City shall consult with <br />appropriate Native American representatives in <br />determining appropriate treatment for unearthed <br />cultural resources if the resources are prehistoric or <br />Native American in origin. Archeological materials <br />recovered during any investigation shall be put into <br />curation at an accredited facility. <br />GEO-1 Paleontological Resources Management Program <br />The following mitigation measures shall only be <br />If ground disturbance <br />implemented during ground construction activities (i.e., <br />exceeds nine feet <br />grading, trenching, foundation work, excavations) where <br />below ground surface <br />ground disturbance exceeds nine feet below ground <br />within project areas <br />surface within project areas underlain by Quaternary <br />underlain by <br />young alluvial fan deposits. <br />Quaternary young <br />1. Mitigation and Monitoring Program. The <br />alluvial fan deposits: <br />Paleontological Mitigation and Monitoring Program <br />shall be supervised by a qualified paleontologist. A <br />Verify retention of <br />qualified paleontologist is an individual who meets <br />qualified <br />the education and professional experience <br />paleontological monitor <br />standards as set forth by the SVP (2010), which <br />recommends the paleontologist shall have at least a <br />Master's Degree or equivalent work experience in <br />Verify completion of <br />paleontology, shall have knowledge of California <br />training at <br />geology and local paleontology, shall be familiar <br />commencement of <br />with paleontological procedures and techniques, <br />construction activities <br />and who has worked as a paleontological mitigation <br />project supervisor for at least one year. Monitoring <br />Field verify ground - <br />shall be conducted by a qualified paleontological <br />disturbing construction <br />monitor, who is defined as an individual who has <br />activities have ceased, <br />experience with collection and salvage of <br />if paleontological <br />paleontological resources. <br />resources are found <br />2. Paleontological Worker Environmental Awareness <br />Program (WEAP). Prior to the start of construction, <br />Consult with qualified <br />the Qualified Paleontologist or his or her designee, <br />archaeologist and verify <br />shall conduct training for construction personnel <br />completion of final <br />regarding the appearance of fossils and the <br />mitigation and <br />procedures for notifying paleontological staff should <br />monitoring report <br />On an as -needed basis if <br />Once each for <br />City of Santa <br />described ground- <br />paleontologist <br />Ana Planning <br />disturbing activities <br />retention, <br />and Building <br />occur <br />training, <br />Agency <br />ceased <br />Training verification <br />construction <br />prior to the start of <br />activities, and <br />construction <br />monitoring <br />report <br />Mitigation and <br />monitoring report <br />verification following <br />compliance with <br />measure <br />Resolution No. 2021-xx <br />Page 9 of 14 <br />