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• Fnhanced collaboration and teamwork skills <br />• Greater sense of community engagement <br />• Reduced youth participation in unsafe activities <br />• Combat the teen dropout rate <br />Collaboration: <br />The Graffiti Arts Program will collaborate with local professional mural artists to provide students <br />with access to a network of professional artists and resources. The curriculum will be developed in <br />collaboration with professional mural artists to ensure that it is relevant and engaging for the students. <br />Evaluation: <br />The success of the Graffiti Arts Program will be evaluated based on the following metrics: <br />• Number of high school students who participate in the program <br />• Quality of installation <br />• Feedback from students, teachers, and professional mural artists <br />By implementing the Graffiti Arts Program, the Community Development Agency, and the Santa Ana <br />Unified School District will provide high school students with an opportunity to learn about nmral <br />painting techniques, public art, and local history. The program will also achieve significant <br />developmental youth outcomes, reduce youth participation in unsafe activities, and combat the teen <br />dropout rate. By collaborating with local professional mural artists, the program's curriculum will <br />cultivate students' artistic skills, increase their knowledge of local history, and introduce them to a <br />network of professional artists and resources. <br />