CITY COUNCIL 12 April 18, 2023
<br />with J. Smith & T. Muli, Inc. to increase the Contract Amount by $11,500, for a
<br />total amount not to exceed $61,391, for lake engineering and construction
<br />services for the remaining term of the agreement, beginning May 20, 2022
<br />through December 31, 2023, including up to two additional oneyear periods
<br />upon a writing executed by the City Manager and City Attorney (Agreement
<br />Nos. 2023-061 and 2023-062).
<br />5.Determine the recommended actions are exempt for further review in
<br />accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act as Categorical
<br />Exemption Environmental Review No. ER202331 was filed for Project
<br />182681.
<br />16.Approve Agreements with Hillsborough Fence Company, J & A Engineering
<br />Corporation, and Quality Fence Co. Inc., for a Total Amount Not to Exceed $3,000,000,
<br />for up to a FiveYear Term for AsNeeded Installation, Maintenance, and Repair for
<br />Fencing and Gate Services (NonGeneral Fund)
<br />Department(s): Public Works Agency
<br />Recommended Action: Authorize the City Manager to execute agreements with
<br />Hillsborough Fence Company, J & A Engineering Corporation, and Quality Fence
<br />Co. Inc. to provide oncall installation, maintenance, and repair for fencing and
<br />gates, for a shared aggregate amount not to exceed $3,000,000 for a threeyear
<br />term beginning April 18, 2023 and expiring April 18, 2026, with provisions for two,
<br />oneyear extensions, subject to nonsubstantive changes approved by the City
<br />Manager and City Attorney (Core Agreement No. 2023-063).
<br />17.Approve Agreements with AESCO, Inc., Kleinfelder, Inc., and RMA Group, Inc., for a
<br />Total Amount Not to Exceed $2,950,000, for OnCall Material Testing and Special
<br />Inspection Services (NonGeneral Fund)
<br />Department(s): Public Works Agency
<br />Recommended Action: 1. Authorize the City Manager to execute a Caltrans
<br />federally procured agreement with AESCO, Inc., Kleinfelder, Inc., and RMA Group,
<br />Inc. to provide OnCall Material Testing and Special Inspection Services, for a
<br />shared aggregate amount not to exceed $950,000, for a term beginning April 18,
<br />2023 and expiring July 5, 2024, with provisions for two, oneyear extensions, subject
<br />to non substantive changes approved by the City Manager and City Attorney
<br />(Core Agreement No. 2023-064).
<br />2.Authorize the City Manager to execute the first amendment to the standard
<br />agreement with AESCO, Inc., Kleinfelder, Inc., and RMA Group, Inc. to provide
<br />OnCall Material Testing and Special Inspection Services, and increase the
<br />contract amount by $1,000,000 for a total amount not to exceed $2,000,000, for the
<br />remaining term through July 5, 2024, subject to nonsubstantive changes approved
<br />by the City Manager and City Attorney (Core Agreement No. 2023-065).