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CITY COUNCIL 13 April 18, 2023 <br />18.Approve First Amendment to Agreement with Elite Special Events, Inc. to Increase <br />the Not­to­Exceed Amount by $20,000 per Year through June 30, 2023, for a Total <br />Agreement Amount of $38,050, to Provide Event Equipment and Services at <br />Various City Events (General Fund) <br />Department(s): Parks, Recreation, and Community Services <br />Recommended Action: Authorize the City Manager to execute the first <br />amendment to the agreement with Elite Special Events to provide event equipment <br />and services for various City events, to increase the amount by $20,000, for a total <br />not­to­exceed amount of $38,050, through June 30, 2023, subject to <br />non­substantive changes approved by the City Manager and City Attorney <br />(Agreement No. 2023-066). <br />19.Historic Property Preservation Agreement <br />Department(s): Planning and Building Agency <br />Recommended Action: Authorize the City Manager or designee to execute the <br />attached Mills Act agreement with the below­referenced property owners for the <br />identified structure(s), subject to non­substantive changes approved by the City <br />Manager and City Attorney (includes determination that the proposed project is <br />exempt from further review in accordance with the California Environmental Quality <br />Act (CEQA) as the following Categorical Exemption will be filed for this project: ER <br />No. 2023­10). <br />Property Owner(s), Historic Property Preservation Agreement No., Address/House, <br />Vote by HRC <br />Brian and Krystle Newquist, 2023­01, 2311 N. Benton Way, 8:1:0:0 (Murashie <br />dissented) (Agreement No. 2023-067) <br />20.Adopt a Resolution to Authorize the City Manager to Accept the California Automated <br />Permit Processing Program Grant in the Amount of $100,000 and Execute the Grant <br />Agreement with the State of California Energy Commission, and Approve an <br />Appropriation Adjustment Recognizing Funds <br />Department(s): Planning and Building Agency <br />Recommended Action: 1. Adopt Resolution No. 2023-018 <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANTA ANA AUTHORIZING <br />THE RECEIPT OF FUNDS FROM THE CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION FOR THE <br />CALIFORNIA AUTOMATED PERMIT PROCESSING PROGRAM (includes <br />determination that the proposed action is exempt from further review pursuant to <br />Section 15061(b)(3) of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the <br />CEQA Guidelines as there is no potential for any environmental impact). <br />2.Approve an appropriation adjustment recognizing the CalAPP grant funds, in the <br />amount of $100,000, to revenue account number and appropriate same to