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GI- Gate 1 Continued <br />Subject: Signalperson <br />Subject Hours: 7.5 Hours (4.5 lecture/3.0 lab) <br />Prerequisites: None <br />Subject Description: Upon completion of this course, the student will be assessed on the ability to <br />accurately: <br />• Identify basic crane terminology and definitions <br />• Explain radius boom deflection, center of gravity, drift, and how to compensate <br />for it <br />• Identify the hazards and safety concerns associated with overhead lifting <br />• Recognize the applicable OSHA and ASME standards. <br />• Demonstrate hand signals per ASME B30.5 and B30.3. <br />• Demonstrate voice communication and recognize safety concerns when using <br />them <br />• Identify criteria for lifting personnel <br />Subject: Level 1 Crane Rigging <br />Subject Hours: 12 Hours (7.0 lecture/5.0 lab) <br />Prerequisites: None <br />Subject Description: Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to accurately: <br />• Define responsibilities and safety rules for rigging and hoisting loads <br />• Accurately inspect, select, maintain, and reject rigging equipment and hardware <br />• Identify rigging hardware and slings along with defining their limitations <br />• Identify load ratings, safety factors, and stresses imposed by hoisting <br />• Calculate material load weights <br />• Identify capacities of rigging and attach the appropriate rigging with the correct <br />hitch configuration <br />G2- Gate 2 <br />Subject: <br />Authorized Climber and Rescue <br />Subject Hours: <br />40.0 Hours (9.0 lecture/31.0 lab) <br />Prerequisites: <br />Subject Description: <br />None <br />Upon completion of this lesson, the student will be able to accurately: <br />• Identify and/or define the health and safety governing body regulations for fall <br />protection <br />• Define your responsibilities and those of your employer <br />• Define and identify the risks involved when working at heights on various <br />tower structures <br />• Define and demonstrate how to perform an inspection of Personal Fall <br />Protection Equipment (PFPE) <br />• Properly don and use a full body harness <br />• Demonstrate the mechanics and performance of each piece of PFPE you are <br />required to use on the job <br />• Define common hazards for PFPE <br />• Demonstrate how to properly tie and use knots <br />• Demonstrate safe and proper climbing techniques on both wind and cell towers <br />• Demonstrate safe and proper rescue techniques on various tower structures <br />Document: TRN-SCHOOLCATALOGTEH2O22-2023-1.4 12 gA/RSTREAMS <br />Revision: 1.4 <br />Release Date: June 14, 2023 All Rights Reserved <br />