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G3 Gate 3 <br />Subject: Basic Electrical Theory <br />Subject Hours: 9.0 Hours (9.0 lecture/0.0 lab) <br />Prerequisites: None <br />Subject Description: At the end of this lesson, the student will be able to accurately: <br />1. Define electricity or electrical current. <br />2. Explain the two things that occur when current flows. <br />3. Describe the three properties of electricity, their units of measure and <br />relationship with each other. <br />4. Explain the two kinds of current flow. <br />5. Explain the basics of electromagnetic induction. <br />6. Identify common values of voltage used in industrial electrical circuits, <br />7. Describe conductors and insulators. <br />8. Describe the three properties of circuits and components and their units of <br />measure. <br />9. Identify basic electrical components and describe their schematic symbols, their <br />basic uses, and how to check them. <br />10. Explain the three parts of electrical circuits, and their purposes. <br />11. Explain the three categories of electrical sources and their characteristics. <br />12. Explain the two circuit arrangements and their effect on the relationship of <br />voltage current. <br />13. Identify various electrical terms by their letter abbreviations. <br />Subject: <br />Voltage Test Procedures 50 Volts or Higher <br />Subject Hours: <br />3.0 Hours (3.0 lecture/0.0 lab) <br />Subject Description: <br />At the end of this lesson, given a written quiz, the student will accurately: <br />• Define volts, amps, ohms <br />• Explain the causes of high voltage Arc Flash <br />• Explain the steps to establish an Electrically Safe Work Condition (ESWC) <br />• Explain use of insulated electrical tools and how to identify them <br />• List the current thresholds that can harm the human body <br />• List the types of Arc Flash PPE required to work on circuits of 50 volts or <br />higher <br />• List the various safety electrical boundaries <br />• Explain use of insulated electrical tools and how to identify them <br />Subject: <br />Electrical Measurement Safety <br />Subject Hours: <br />3.0 Hours (3.0 lecture/0.0 lab) <br />Prerequisites: <br />Voltage Test Procedures 50 Volts or Higher <br />Subject Description: <br />Upon completion of this lesson, the student will be able to: <br />• Describe the IEC 61010 category ratings and how they affect the end user <br />• Describe the safety specifications for DMMs and testers <br />Subject: Multimeters <br />Subject Hours: 2.0 Hours (2.0lecture/0,0 labs) <br />Prerequisites: Voltage Test Procedures 50 Volts or Higher, Electrical Measurement Safety <br />Subject Description: At the end of this lesson, the student will accurately define: <br />• Types of multimeters (analog and digital) <br />• Basic multimeter safety <br />• Basic multimeter functionality <br />• Multimeter symbols and their meaning <br />Document: TRN-SCHOOLCATALOGTEH2022-2023-1.4 13 (AIRSTREAMS <br />Revision:1.4 - <br />,-Release Date: June 14, 2023 All Rights Reserved <br />