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Any assessments/assignments that require instructor review will be processed and returned with scores <br />within 5 days. <br />Portions of some lessons are taught out in the field, as the authentic experience is necessary to facilitate the <br />required learning. In these cases, all sites and equipment used are inspected to ensure the safety of the <br />location/equipment and students are provided all necessary Personal Protective Equipment, as well as <br />training on how to properly use it. <br />All equipment utilized in our course is comparable to equipment generally used in all energy related <br />industries. Equipment is inspected monthly and is in good working condition. The equipment used for <br />instructional purposes provides the student with the necessary experience and skills to prepare each student <br />for an entry-level position in the wind, communication tower and other industrial focused industries and to <br />perform the tasks associated with those positions. <br />Airstreams utilizes a Process and Guidelines for Training Development that provides a thorough method for <br />planning, implementing, and evaluating coursework and learning events. Learning events are promoted as an <br />important investment because education is essential to sustaining growth and competitiveness. Airstreams is <br />committed to providing quality education that responds to an identified need and results in on job <br />performance. <br />Required Dress <br />No shorts, sleeveless shirts, or sandals allowed. Sturdy work/hiking boots (composite or steel toed <br />preferred, but not required) steel or fiberglass shank with a defined heal. Cotton pants, (jeans are acceptable), <br />cotton long and short sleeve shirts. Form fitting, durable work gloves (Examples: CLC Handyman, Mechanix <br />Wear, Iron Clad). Cold weather gear (Examples: Wind resistant lined work jackets, hooded sweatshirt, <br />balaclava, insulated overalls or coveralls, natural fiber upper/lower "long johns"), Hard hats and safety <br />glasses PPE will be provided. <br />Attendance Policy <br />At the beginning of each course, students are required to sign in on the appropriate course roster during <br />registration. The instructor keeps a daily attendance record. <br />Daily attendance is required. One of the most significant factors that contribute to success in a course is class <br />attendance. Failure to attend not only hurts you, but also places an extra burden on the instructor and detracts <br />from the overall quality of the course. Consider attendance at Airstreams as a job interview. Employers will <br />be looking for graduates with perfect (or near -perfect) attendance records. Students must attend at least 90% <br />of the scheduled class hours on a cumulative basis. You are expected to call the Tehachapi front office (661) <br />822-3963 if you will be absent. <br />Absence <br />If a student misses a class, it is the student's responsibility to work with the instructor or Training Supervisor <br />to make-up the missed instruction in both content and time, e.g., hours or days missed, lesson, exam, or <br />practical evaluation missed. If a student misses class (up to10%), the Training Supervisor will evaluate, on a <br />case -by -case basis, whether or not the missed instruction can be made-up. Make-up hours must be <br />prearranged with the instructor and/or Training Supervisor, must not interfere with other scheduled class <br />hours/activities, and must be completed by the end of the course or within the maximum timeframe of 150% <br />of the class time. If the missed instruction cannot be made-up or if a student misses more than 10% of the <br />Document: TRN-SCHOOLCATALOGTEH2O22-2023-1.4 23 (AIRSTREAMS <br />Revision: 1.4 <br />Release Date: June 14, 2023 All Rights Reserved <br />