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the appeal. At the end of the evaluation period, and at the end of every evaluation period thereafter, the <br />student's academic status will be reviewed. The student must meet the terms of the probation, until such time <br />as satisfactory academic progress status is regained, not exceeding two weeks. <br />Maximum Time Frame <br />All program requirements must be completed within a maximum time frame of 1.5 times the <br />normal program length, as measured in calendar time. The Renewable Energy and Communications Tower <br />Technician (AS 1007) Program, 6 weeks in length, must be completed within 9 calendar weeks. <br />Students exceeding the maximum time frame will be administratively withdrawn. <br />For VA Students only: All VA students are required to finish their program requirements within the allotted <br />timeframe for the course contract offered. <br />Tuition Funding Options/Assistance <br />Payment arrangements for courses must occur before or on the first day of instruction. Payment may be <br />made by cash, check, money order or credit card (Visa, MasterCard or American Express). <br />Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act: You may be eligible for funding to assist with the cost of <br />training if you are unemployed and/or a "dislocated" worker (such as those who lose their jobs because of <br />permanent layoffs or plant closings). Airstreams is an approved Eligible Training Provider (authorized to <br />accept the WIOA funding) in the several states. We encourage you to contact us to find out if Airstreams is <br />approved in your state. You may contact our Admissions Department at 661-822-3963. For further <br />information on the WIOA program, contact your local One -Stop Career Center through this link: <br />http://www.servicelocator.orgi Once approved, the Airstreams finance staff completes all of the necessary <br />paperwork to secure the student's funding prior to enrollment. <br />Military Education Benefits: Airstreams is approved by the California State Approving Agency for <br />Veterans Education to enroll Veterans and other eligible persons in our program. If you are a Veteran and/or <br />a survivor or dependent, you may have access to benefits to assist you in furthering your education. Our VA <br />School Certifying Officials work with Veterans and assist with the procedure to obtain the benefits. Once a <br />Veteran student is approved, Airstreams processes the necessary paperwork with the VA to get the Veteran <br />all of his or her benefits. <br />Grants: Airstreams accepts grants for students who qualify. Our Admissions Department acts as a liaison <br />between the grant providers and potential students to verify which students qualify for each grant. Once a <br />prospective student is matched with a grant provider, Airstreams finance staff completes the necessary <br />paperwork to assist the student in receiving the grant. <br />Airstreams Monthly Payment Plan: Airstreams offers students the option to pay for a portion of their <br />tuition and expenses using a payment plan. Students interested in applying for this option should contact the <br />ARI Funding Office for more information. <br />Airstreams does not participate in federal and/or state financial aid programs. <br />If you have obtained a loan or a payment plan to pay for this educational program you will have the <br />responsibility to repay the full amount of the loan plus interest, less the amount of any refund. While <br />placement assistance is provided, there is no guarantee of employment upon completion of the training. If <br />Document: TRN-SCHOOLCATALOGTEH2O22-2023-1.4 26 02AIRSTREAMS <br />Revision: 1.4 <br />Release Date: June 14, 2023 All Rights Reserved <br />