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Satisfactory Academic Progress <br />Satisfactory academic progress is evaluated at least weekly throughout the program. <br />The student is required to make quantitative progress toward program completion. To be making satisfactory <br />academic progress, a student must attend at least 90% of the scheduled class hours on a cumulative basis. <br />The student's academic average is reviewed to determine qualitative progress. The minimum required is 80% <br />at the conclusion of each evaluation period for the safety assessments and 70% for the technical assessments. <br />Incomplete grades are not given, and students must repeat any assessment in which they earn less than an <br />80% average or 70% average accordingly. Work repeated may adversely affect a student's academic progress <br />in terms of the maximum time frame. <br />Students who withdraw from the program will receive a grade of 0% in each class interrupted by the <br />withdrawal. All interrupted classes must be repeated upon readmission to ARI. <br />Probation <br />Students who are making unsatisfactory progress (less than 90% attendance and/or less than 80% or 70% <br />accordingly on weekly assessments) will be contacted by the Training Supervisor to offer support and <br />assistance along with being placed on academic probation at that time. Students will be notified in writing <br />when they are placed on probation and the steps necessary to be removed from probationary status. This can <br />include retaking an assessment within one week of the failure or demonstrating sustained academic progress <br />toward program completion. These discussions will be documented via a Student Progress Report. <br />If after receiving additional support, the student continues to not be successful with the initial retake of the <br />exam or practical evaluation, an additional conference will be held between the Training Supervisor and the <br />Student to evaluate the student's continuance in the program and to determine the best course of action, <br />Students will be allowed two attempts to retake any assessment required. If unsuccessful after a total of two <br />retakes, the student will be notified of termination verbally and in writing. <br />In the case of a termination due to unsatisfactory academic progress and the student notifies ARI that they <br />wish to re -enroll (which must be in writing), the student will be placed on a waiting list and re -enrolled in <br />another administration of the same course, as space is available. Re -enrollment or re-entrance will be <br />approved only after evidence is shown to the Vice President of Operations satisfaction that conditions that <br />caused the interruption for unsatisfactory progress have been rectified. Upon return, the student will be <br />placed on an academic plan. <br />Appeal Process <br />The student may submit a written appeal of his/her termination within five calendar days of their receipt of <br />the dismissal notice. The appeal should be addressed to the Vice President of Operations, The appeal must be <br />accompanied by documentation of the mitigating circumstances that have prevented the student from <br />attaining satisfactory academic or attendance progress. Only extraordinary circumstances will be considered, <br />such as death or severe illness in the immediate family, Airstreams will assess all appeals and determine <br />whether the student may be permitted to continue in school on a probationary status, despite not meeting the <br />satisfactory progress requirements. The student will be sent the written decision within ten days of ARI's <br />receipt of the appeal. The decision of the Vice President of Operations is final. <br />Students reinstated upon appeal are on a probationary status with a written academic plan for the next <br />evaluation period, during which time they must meet the terms and conditions set out in the letter granting <br />Document: TRN-SCHOOLCATALOGTEH2O22-2023-1.4 25 IRSMEAM5 <br />Revision: 1.4 <br />Release Date: June 14, 2023 All Rights Reserved <br />