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Item 24 - Wireless Communications Technology Upgrade
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
11/21/2023 Regular
Item 24 - Wireless Communications Technology Upgrade
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Last modified
11/29/2023 3:39:05 PM
Creation date
11/29/2023 2:19:49 PM
City Clerk
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Agenda Packet
Information Technology
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in the Master Agreement requiring the Contractor to self -audit contract obligations and <br />that permits the Lead State to review compliance with those obligations. <br />d. The Contractor will be advised thirty (30) days prior written notice of each audit. The <br />parties will work together in good faith to establish an audit process that does not <br />interfere with Contractor's ability to perform its obligations under this Master Agreement <br />or any other agreement, or compromise any reasonable security processes or <br />procedures. Contractor will provide the auditor with information reasonably required to <br />effect the audit, provided however that Contractor reserves the right to impose limitation <br />or require additional assurances from Participating Entity and its auditor as may be <br />necessary to protect the Confidential Information of Contractor. In no event will <br />Contractor be required to provide Participating Entity or its auditor with access to <br />Contractor's internal costs and resource utilization data, or data related to employees or <br />other customers of Contractor. <br />30. Confidentiality, Non -Disclosure, and Injunctive Relief <br />a. Confidentiality. Each party acknowledges that it and its employees or agents may, in <br />the course of this Master Agreement, be exposed to or acquire information that is <br />confidential to the other party, including Purchasing Entity or Purchasing Entity's clients. <br />Any and all information of any form that is marked as confidential or would by its nature <br />be deemed confidential that is disclosed or otherwise made available in the <br />performance of this Master Agreement by either party to the other party, including by a <br />Participating Entity or Purchasing Entity, but not limited to (1) any Purchasing Entity's <br />records, (2) personnel records, (3) information concerning individuals(4) technology, <br />research and development information, Products and Software, and (5) trade secrets <br />and other information which are competitive in nature is confidential information <br />("Confidential Information"). Any reports or other documents or items (including <br />software) that result from the use of the Confidential Information shall be treated in the <br />same manner as the Confidential Information. Confidential Information does not <br />include information that (1) is or becomes (other than by disclosure by the receiving <br />party) publicly known; (2) is furnished by the disclosing party to others without <br />restrictions similar to those imposed by this Master Agreement; (3) is rightfully in the <br />receiving party's possession without the obligation of nondisclosure prior to the time of <br />its disclosure under this Master Agreement; (4) is obtained from a source other than the <br />disclosing party without the obligation of confidentiality, (5) is disclosed with the written <br />consent of the disclosing party or; (6) is independently developed by employees, agents <br />or subcontractors of the receiving party who can be shown to have had no access to the <br />Confidential Information. <br />b. Non -Disclosure. Each party shall hold Confidential Information in confidence, using <br />at least the industry standard of confidentiality, but no less than the standard of care <br />such party uses for its own similar confidential information, and shall not copy, <br />reproduce, sell, assign, license, market, transfer or otherwise dispose of, give, or <br />disclose Confidential Information to third parties or use Confidential Information for any <br />purposes whatsoever other than what is necessary to the performance of Orders placed <br />Attachment A: Page 19 of 31 <br />
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