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3.Source material, special nuclear material,and byproduct material <br />have the meanings given them in the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 or in <br />any law amendatory thereof. <br />4.Spent fuel means any fuel element or fuel component, solid or liquid, <br />which has been used or exposed to radiation in a nuclear reactor. <br />5.Waste means any waste material: <br />(a) Containing byproduct material other than the tailings or <br />wastes produced by the extraction or concentration of uranium <br />or thorium from any ore processed primarily for its source <br />material content; <br />(b) Resulting from the operation by any person or organization of <br />any nuclear facility included under the first two paragraphs of <br />the definition of nuclear facility; <br />6.Nuclear facility means: <br />(a) Any nuclear reactor; <br />(b) Any equipment or device designed or used for: <br />i. Separating the isotopes of uranium or plutonium; <br />ii. Processing or utilizing spent fuel; or <br />iii. Handling, processing or packaging waste; <br />(c) Any equipment or device used for the processing, fabricating <br />or alloying of special nuclear material if at any time the total <br />amount of such material in the custody of the Insured at the <br />premises where such equipment or device is located consists <br />of or contains more than 25 grams of plutonium or uranium <br />233 or any combination thereof, or more than 250 grams of <br />uranium 235; <br />(d) Any structure, basin, excavation, premises, or place prepared <br />or used for the storage or disposal of waste; <br />(e) The site on which any of the foregoing is located, all <br />operations conducted on such site and all premises used for <br />such operations. <br />7.Nuclear reactor means any apparatus designed or used to sustain <br />nuclear fission in a self-supporting chain reaction or to contain a critical <br />mass of fissionable material. <br />8.Property damage includes all forms of radioactive contamination of <br />property. <br />ENV-5102 (10-04)Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc. with its permission Page 2 of 2