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CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />IV.SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />SEE EXHIBIT I – SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />Usage is not guaranteed. Execution of an agreement between the City and successful firm(s) <br />and/or individual(s) does not guarantee work throughout the duration of the contract period. <br />Numerous factors will be evaluated by the City in its delivery of project and assignments, <br />including technical expertise required. <br />V.TERM OF AGREEMENT <br />The anticipated term of the agreement is for an initial period of two (2) years. The City may, at <br />its discretion, extend the agreement with the same or more limited scope of required services for <br />one (1) additional one (1) year period, upon mutual agreement contingent upon City Council <br />approval, or City Manager or City Attorney authorization, as appropriate. The total term of the <br />awarded agreement shall not exceed three (3) years. <br />VI.MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS <br />VII.Proposer should have experience in producing/procuring and installing high-quality digital signs <br />in outdoor locations. <br />VIII.RESPONSE TO RFP <br />A.SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS <br />It is the responsibility of the Proposer to ensure that any proposals submitted have been <br />uploaded to PlanetBids prior to the RFP due date and time. Proposals, including all required <br />sections and forms, shall be submitted electronically via the City’s Bid Management System, <br />PlanetBids. No other form of submittal will be accepted. <br />PlanetBids will not accept late proposals and no exceptions shall be made. Proposers will <br />receive an e-bid confirmation number with a time stamp from PlanetBids indicating that their <br />proposal was submitted successfully. The City will only receive and consider those proposals <br />that were transmitted successfully. Submit proposal online at: <br /> <br />Proposer shall be solely responsible for informing itself with respect to the proper utilization <br />of the bid management system, for ensuring the capability of their computer system to upload <br />the required documents, and for the stability of their internet service. Failure of the Proposer <br />to successfully submit an electronic proposal shall be at the Proposer’s sole risk and no relief <br />will be given for late and/or improperly submitted proposals. Proposers experiencing any <br />technical difficulties with the bid submission process may contact PlanetBids at (818) 992- <br />1771. Questions of an operational nature may be directed to the City’s assigned Buyer. <br />Neither the City, nor PlanetBids, makes any guarantee as to the timely availability of <br />assistance, or assurance that any given problem will be resolved by the bid submission <br />deadline. <br />Proposals shall NOT be sent via telegraphic, electronic, or facsimile means. <br />All notifications, updates and addenda will be posted online on PlanetBids at <br /> Proposers shall be <br />RFP No. 23-099A Digital Marquees for Multiple Locations Page 2 of 61