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CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />Proposals shall be valid for a minimum of one hundred eighty (180) days following <br />Proposal deadline. The cost for developing the Proposal is the sole responsibility of the <br />Proposer. All Proposals submitted become property of the City. <br />IX.CERTIFICATIONS (ATTACHMENTS) <br />In addition to the SOQ, Narrative/Technical Proposal, and Cost Proposal, the following forms, <br />included in this RFP, shall be signed and included as part of the proposal submittal package: <br />•Attachment A: Proposer’s Certification and Proposal Item Pricing <br />•Attachment B: References <br />•Attachment C: Proposer’s Statement <br />•Attachment D: Non-Collusion Affidavit <br />•Attachment E: Non-Lobbying Certification <br />•Attachment F: Non-Discrimination Certification <br />•Attachment G: UEI verification <br />•Attachment H: Certificate of Debarment <br />The proposal must be completely responsive to the RFP. Incomplete proposals will be deemed <br />as nonresponsive and will be rejected. The City reserves the right to reject any or all proposals <br />submitted and no representation is made hereby that any commitment will be awarded pursuant <br />to this RFP or otherwise. <br />PLEASE NOTE: City will not waive notarization requirement when applicable on any <br /> of the required attachments. <br />X.REFERENCES <br />Contractor shall provide three (3) references from other similar public agencies for which services <br />similar to those specified in this RFP have been performed, including contact names and <br />telephone numbers. Use ATTACHMENT B – References. The respondent grants permission <br />for the City to contact any individuals listed as references. <br />City may disqualify a Proposer if: <br />•References fail to substantiate Proposer’s description of services and <br />deliverables provided; or <br />•References fail to support that Proposer has a continuing pattern of providing <br />capable, productive, and skilled personnel, or <br />•City is unable to reach the point of contact with reasonable effort. It is the <br />Proposer’s responsibility to inform the point of contact(s) of normal City <br />working hours. <br />XI.MINIMUM SCOPE AND LIMIT OF INSURANCE <br />The selected Proposer shall provide the required evidence of insurance coverage as set forth in <br />the standard agreement within ten (10) business days after receipt of Notice of Intent to Award. <br />Contractor must maintain, for the duration of its contract, insurance coverages as required by <br />the City. <br />RFP No. 23-099A Digital Marquees for Multiple Locations Page 6 of 61