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housing developments along commercial corridors,as codified in text <br /> and in effect on July 1,2023. <br /> 1.2. That the alternative sites from its Upzoned Sites are subject to AB <br /> 2011. If the alternative sites from its Upzoned Sites are not already <br /> subject to AB 2011,the City must demonstrate that the sites are <br /> suitable for residential development as defined in Government Code <br /> section 65583.2.(See Gov. Code, §§ 65912.114,subd. (i)(2)(A),and <br /> 65912.124, subd. (i)(2)(A).) If the alternative sites from its and <br /> Upzoned Sites are already subject to AB 2011,the City must <br /> demonstrate that they are zoned at a density and height above that <br /> required by Government Code sections 65912.113, subdivision (b) for <br /> and 65912.123,subdivisions(b)and(c). (See Gov. Code, §§ <br /> 65912.114, subd. (i)(2)(B),and 65912.124, subd. (i)(2)(B).) <br /> 1.3. That the use of the alternative sites from its Upzoned Sites in lieu of <br /> the exempted sites set forth in the Ordinances meets the City's <br /> obligation to affirmatively further fair housing("AFFH"). (See Gov. <br /> Code, §§65912.114,subd.(i)(3)(C), and 65912.124, subd. (i)(3)(C).) <br /> 2. Application of AB 2011.All parties to this MOU acknowledge the following: <br /> 2.1. There is a fundamental disagreement as to whether AB 2011 as <br /> amended by AB 129 is applicable to the City. In order to avoid any <br /> further delay,the Parties shall in good faith continue to work together <br /> to assist the City in substantiating its compliance with AB 2011. For <br /> purposes of calculating no net loss, site suitability, and affirmatively <br /> furthering fair housing analyses, all citations to AB 2011 (Gov. Code, <br /> §§ 65912.110-65912,114 and 65912.120-65912-124) refer to that law <br /> as amended by AB 129, which became effective on July 10,2023. <br /> 2,2. Pursuant to the Housing Crisis Act of 2019, sites may not be used as <br /> alternative sites to offset sites that the City is exempting from AB <br /> 2011 if downzoning those sites would reduce their intensity of use <br /> below what was allowed under the land use designation or zoning <br /> ordinance in effect on January 1,2018. (Gov. Code, § 66300, subd. <br /> (b)(1)(A).) <br /> 2.3. Alternative sites identified under Government Code sections <br /> 65912.124, subdivision(i)(2)(B),and 65912.114, subdivision <br /> (i)(2)(B),must be zoned to allow more density than is required in <br /> Government Code section 65912.123, subdivision(c), and 65912.I 13, <br /> subdivision (b), respectively. <br /> 4 <br />