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N 3: <br />Ul o <br />Mobility Plan 2035 Programs <br />Program No. <br />PROGRAM <br />Department. <br />Policy <br />Topic No <br />Cl) <br />v, <br />C.12 <br />Wayfinding. Develop and install a comprehensive way -finding program throughout the City to <br />DOT, DCP, Mayor's Office, BSS, Council <br />4.14 <br />Communication <br />provide information about transportation routes, schedules, bikeways urban trails, and area <br />Offices <br />amenities including schools, parks, cultural and retail activities. <br />C.13 <br />CSTAN. In collaboration with Metro support efforts to promote goods movement traffic to <br />DOT <br />4.14 <br />Communication <br />the CSTAN and identify funding to maintain corridors. <br />DA <br />Analysis of Existing Paths. Identify and map paved paths within City parks suitable for <br />RAP, Council Offices <br />2.6 <br />Data & Analysis <br />bicycling. Emphasize opportunities for gap closures in the active transportation network. <br />D.2 <br />Annual Counts of Bicyclists and Pedestrians (Active Transportation). Initiate a long term <br />DOT, DCP, Mayor's Office of Technology, <br />4.11, 3.1, <br />Data & Analysis <br />strategy to count the number and type (by sex, age, disability, income and geography) of <br />LAPD, Council Offices <br />1.4, 2.3, <br />bicyclists and pedestrians traveling for all trips on the Networks and other City streets each <br />2.6, 2.15 <br />year. Identify a specific date and locations for the annual count. The number of locations that <br />are included each year should increase as funding increases. Utilize the locations, date, and <br />time of the count conducted by the Los Angeles County Bicycle Coaliton (LACBC) in 2009 as <br />the baseline; implement a methodology that is consistent with SCAG and Metro/UCLA Luskin <br />Center. <br />D.3 <br />Semi -Annual Survey. Conduct in -person and on-line interviews annually about active <br />DOT, DCP, Council Offices <br />4.11, 4.10 <br />Data & Analysis <br />transportation implementation. In particular, identify on -going concerns and listen to <br />suggested improvements. Collect data on problem areas (not just where collisions have <br />occurred but where "near -misses" frequently occur) and identify solutions. <br />DA <br />Collision Monitoring and Analysis. Annually identify locations with high levels of auto, <br />DCP, DOT, LAPD, LAFD, Council Offices <br />1.1, 4.11 <br />Data & Analysis <br />pedestrian, and bicycle collisions and develop and implement strategies to improve the <br />safety of these areas and reduce overall collision rates. Analyze bicycle crash data from the <br />Statewide Integrated Traffic Records System (SWITRS) and other sources to evaluate the <br />impacts of prior improvements. Use collision data to produce hot zone maps (GIS maps that <br />reflect crash data citywide) and to conduct case studies of potential improvments to reduce <br />collisions. Coordinate engineering and enforcement reporting systems to avoid duplication <br />and/or overlooked emergency room data; with support and data from LAPD, LAFD and <br />LAUSD. <br />D.5 <br />Data Collection Protocols. Establish before and afer data collection protocols for all projects. <br />DOT, DCP <br />4.6, 4.7 <br />Data & Analysis <br />D.6 <br />Goods Movement Information. Compile goods movement data from the Port of Los Angeles, <br />Port, LAWA <br />4.12, 4.6 <br />Data & Analysis <br />Los Angeles World Airport and regional goods movement providers to monitor and assess <br />economic fluctuations. <br />D.7 <br />Greenhouse Gas Emission Tracking Program. Quantify total reduction in GHG from vehicle <br />Mayor's Office on Environment and <br />5.1, 5.4, <br />Data & Analysis <br />miles traveled reductions. Include data in the Citywide Climate Action Plan and the Climate <br />Sustainability, DCP, Council, SCAQMD <br />4.11 <br />Action Registry. Maintain a database of completed infrastructure projects; track and apply <br />offset credits (resultingfrom GHG and VMT reductions) towards the city's compliance with <br />SB 375, AB 32 and the region's Sustainable Community Strategy. <br />Appendix A <br />