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SANTAANA VISION ZERO PLAN <br />r <br />Mobility Plan 2035 Programs <br />Program No. PROGRAM Department. Policy Topic <br />D.8 <br />Mountain Trail Spillover and Conflict Resolution Analysis. Conduct a spillover analysis to <br />RAP, DPW, Council Offices <br />1.9 <br />Data & Analysis <br />determine the extent to which mountain biking use spills over onto trails where biking is <br />prohibited. Examine other jurisdictions to understand how they accommodate mountain <br />biking and how they have managed conflicts. <br />D.9 <br />Off -Road and Park Trail Bicycle Database. Develop a database and create maps of mountain <br />RAP, DCP, DOT, LAPD, Council Offices <br />1.9 <br />Data & Analysis <br />and park bicycling trails within and adjacent to the City of Los Angeles. <br />D.10 <br />Revised Traffic Analysis Methodology. Establish a revised Traffic Analysis Methodology <br />DOT, DCP <br />5.3 <br />Data & Analysis <br />(TAM) that takes into consideration a project's location, design and density, based on CEQA <br />revisions, OPR guidelines, and other state/regional authorities <br />D.11 <br />Unimproved/Off-Road Database. Inventory all unimproved roads and determine their <br />RAP, DCP, DOT, LAFD, Council Offices <br />1.9 <br />Data &Analysis <br />suitability for mountain biking and off -road facilities. <br />D.12 <br />Strategic Capital Planning Group. Establish an inter -departmental Group to determine, using <br />CAO, DCP. BPE. BSS. BSL, BOE, Council <br />4.6, 4.11, <br />Data & Analysis <br />data and prioritization criteria,a list of priority projects and match to funding sources. <br />Offices <br />4.7, 2.15 <br />EDA <br />Bicycle Parking Training. Develop a Bicycle Parking Requirement Training Presentation and <br />DBS, DOT, DCP <br />2.6, 3.8 <br />Education <br />Handbook and post on the Bicycle website. Provide training sessions to the Departments of <br />Building and Safety, Planning, Engineering, and all other public counter staff on the LAMC <br />bicycle parking requirements. <br />ED.2 <br />Design Workshops. Host/participate in workshops on active transportation facility design. <br />DOT, DCP, Council Offices <br />1.4, 2.2, <br />Education <br />4.4, 4.10 <br />ED.3 <br />Goods Movement Awareness. Develop and implement strategies to increase coordination <br />POLA <br />1.8, 2.8, <br />Education <br />of issues relating to goods movement and increase awareness of economic role of goods <br />4.12, 2.10 <br />movement. <br />ED.4 <br />LAPD Officer Training. Train officers on the rights and responsibilities of all roadway users <br />LAPD <br />1.2 <br />Education <br />and improve their ability to evaluate conflicts and collisions between different modal users. <br />ED.5 <br />Rail Crossing Safety. Work with local and regional passenger and freight services to educate <br />DOT, Mayor's Office, Council Offices <br />1.5 <br />Education <br />all users about safe at -grade crossing practices. <br />ED.6 <br />Roadway Safety Education. Educate law enforcement, heavy duty bus and truck operators, <br />DOT, POLA, LAUSD, GSD, LAPD, Council <br />1.1, 1.2,1.4 <br />Education <br />taxis, motorists, all City employees, and roadway users on the rights of, and need for safe <br />Offices <br />motoring skills, around non -motorized active transportation uses. Develop educational/ <br />promotional materials to inform roadway users about the benefits of active transportation <br />facilities. <br />ED.7. <br />Roadway Safety Public Service Announcements. Continue to produce a series of Roadway <br />DOT, LAPD, ITA <br />1.1,1.2,1.5 <br />Education <br />Safety Public Service Announcements (PSA's) for distribution on television, radio, and <br />outdoor signage. <br />ENF.1 Commercial Loading Zones. Target enforcement efforts against parking by vehicles not in DOT 2.10 Enforcement n <br />the act of loading/unloading in Commercial Loading Zones. v <br />N <br />N u, <br />Appendix A <br />