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SANTAANA VISION ZERO PLAN <br />Mobility Plan 2035 Programs <br />Program No. <br />PROGRAM <br />Department. <br />Policy <br />Topic <br />SF.18 <br />Parking Meter Posts. Develop pilot project to install bicycle parking mechanism on parking <br />DOT Parking <br />3.8 <br />Support Features <br />meter posts. <br />SF.19 <br />Sidewalk Bicycle Parking Program. Continue to install and maintain City -standard bicycle <br />DOT, Council Offices <br />3.8 <br />Support Features <br />racks on sidewalks. Identify areas with demand for bicycle racks and implement an <br />installation schedule. Prioritize the installation of racks on streets. <br />SF.20 <br />Street Furniture Definition. Include bicycle racks in the definition of street furniture to utilize <br />City Attorney, BSS <br />1.7, 2.2, <br />Support Features <br />streetscape funding opportunities <br />3.8, 2.15 <br />SF.21 <br />Street Lighting. Support equitable distribution of funds for appropriate street and/or <br />BSL, DCP, DOT, Council Offices <br />1.7, 2.3, 3.2 <br />Support Features <br />pedestrian lighting, especially in areas of high crime rate and high volume of pedestrian <br />activities. <br />SF.22 <br />Transit District Curbside Management. Manage curb areas adjacent to transit stops to <br />DCP, DPW, DOT, Metro & other transit <br />3.5, 3.8, <br />Support Features <br />facilitate the loading and unloading of buses, para transit, smart shuttles, van/car pools and <br />providers <br />3.2 <br />taxi queuing. Include curb areas for bicycle parking and car share facilities where space <br />warrants. <br />SF.23 <br />Transit Furniture. Transit furniture shall be prioritized on corridors with the highest rates of <br />DPW, Council Offices <br />1.7, 2.5, <br />Support Features <br />public transit ridership; design features shall incorporate aesthetic, comfort, and protection <br />4.3, 4.6 <br />from the elements (sun and rain) considerations. Target the equitable provision of transit <br />furniture throughout the City. Evaluate and pursue all possible alternatives to increase <br />transit furniture in underserved corridors. <br />Transit Pass. Collaborate with Metro to encourage schools, employers, and residential <br />DOT, DCP, LAUSD, Metro <br />4.8, 4.9, <br />SF.24 <br />Support Features <br />developers to provide monthly or annual transit passes for their respective students, <br />4.11 <br />employees, and residents. <br />SF.25 <br />Trash Facilities. Increase the number of trashcans on sidewalks. Work with local business and <br />DPW, BOS, Council Offices <br />1.7, 4.10 <br />Support Features <br />community organizations to develop an adopt -a -trash can program. <br />SF.26 <br />Tree Canopy. Continue to expand the City's tree canopy using tree species that are <br />LASAN, BSS, BOE, DWP, Tree People, <br />1.7, 3.2, <br />Support Features <br />appropriate for the location, climate, water supply, planting conditions and existing street <br />Council Offices <br />2.3, 2.4, <br />infrastructure. <br />3.1 <br />SF.27 <br />Turnstile Design. Work with Metro and local transit agencies to ensure that all turnstiles can <br />DOT, City Council, Mayor's Office, BAC <br />3.5, 4.11 <br />Support Features <br />accommodate a bicycle. <br />SF.28 <br />Bicycle Friendly Businesses. Continue to support Bicycle Friendly Business Program <br />DOT, Council Offices <br />2.6 <br />Support Features <br />l� <br />v <br />rt <br />fD <br />Appendix A <br />