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K <br />0 <br />0- <br />Mobility Plan 2035 Programs <br />Program No. <br />PROGRAM <br />Department. <br />Policy <br />N <br />Topic 0 <br />w <br />0, <br />SF.7 <br />Bicycle Sharing Network. Work with Metro and other area jurisdictions to launch a Bicycle <br />Metro, DOT, DCP, Council Offices, Office <br />2.6, 4.11 <br />Support Features <br />Share Program. Identify a strategy to enable city staff to access the bicycle share system as a <br />of the Mayor <br />"fleet" option for work related tasks. <br />SF.8 <br />Bicycle Valet. Work with special event providers, employers and community -based <br />DOT, bicycle non -profits, Council Offices <br />3.8 <br />Support Features <br />organizations to provide bicycle valet services at large public and private special events. <br />SF.9 <br />Bus Bike Racks (on/off-board). Work with transit providers to provide solutions for additional <br />DOT Transit, Metro, regional transit <br />3.8, 3.5, <br />Support Features <br />bike storage, such as bike rack systems to accommodate at least three bicycles on -board the <br />providers <br />4.11 <br />bus, or permitting bicyclists to board with their bicycles at the rear of the bus. <br />SF.10 <br />Essential Transit Components. Include short-term and long-term bicycle parking and way- <br />Metro, DOT <br />3.8 <br />Support Features <br />finding as essential components of all stations. <br />SF.11 <br />Increase Publicly Available Bicycle Parking. Review all City -owned, operated, and leased <br />All <br />3.8, 1.3, <br />Support Features <br />facilities for compliance with the City's bicycle parking standards. Increase bicycle parking <br />2.6 <br />to meet LAMC requirements where deficiencies are present.Continue to implement bicycle <br />parking and corrals at major destinations, especially where demand is already high. Encourage <br />the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD), local four-year universities, and the Los <br />Angeles Community College District (LACCD) to install quality bicycle parking at public <br />schools within the City of Los Angeles. <br />SF.12 <br />LED Street Lighting. Continue to retrofit existing street lighting infrastructure with energy- <br />BSL <br />1.7, 2.3, 3.2 <br />Support Features <br />efficient LEDs. <br />SF.13 <br />Mobility Hubs/Multi-Modal Transit Plaza. Facilitate the implementation of multi -modal <br />DOT/Metro, Council Offices, DCP, Office <br />3.5, 4.1, 4.2 <br />Support Features <br />transportation support activities and services in proximity to transit stations and major bus <br />of the Mayor, DPW <br />stops, including but not limited to: adequate bus stop and layover space, transit shelters with <br />real-time bus arrival information, bike share docking stations, car share facilities, taxi -waiting/ <br />call areas, Wi-Fi service, public showers/toilets, bicycle storage and repair facilities, and food <br />and beverage providers. Develop a coordinated permitting proceess for the installation of the <br />support features identified above. <br />SF.14 <br />Off -Street Alternative Energy Charging. Continue to support off-street alternative energy <br />DOT, DCP, Mayor's Office, DWP <br />5.3, 5.4 <br />Support Features <br />charging and fueling stations within privately and city -owned parking and/or fueling facilities. <br />SF.15 <br />On -Board Storage. Work with transit providers to provide an on -board location for the <br />Metro, DOT <br />3.4, 4.11 <br />Support Features <br />storage of shopping bags and/or luggage. <br />SF.16 <br />On -Street Bicycle Corrals.Develop bicycle parking corrals in on -street parking spaces as <br />DOT, BSS, BOE, Council Offices <br />3.8, 3.11 <br />Support Features <br />a public -private partnership. Continue implemention of a pilot program and evaluate the <br />feasibility and criteria for widespread use. <br />SF.17 <br />Operator Judgement of Bicycles on Buses. Work with Metro and local transit operators in the <br />DOT, City Council, Mayor's Office, BAC, <br />3.5, 3.8, <br />Support Features <br />City of Los Angeles to allow operators to make decisions regarding allowing bicycles on buses <br />Metro <br />4.11 <br />when space on bus allows, racks are full, service is last of the day or in inclement weather <br />Appendix A <br />