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Activate Your Health 2022 LHA Event <br />Activate Your Health 2022 LHA Event <br />Miscellaneous <br />Food Bank(s) <br />LHA hosts regular food banks where they were able to distribute SAVZ <br />Plan flyers and surveys which provide a consistent avenue to gather <br />community input. The food bank has numerous Spanish and Vietnam- <br />ese speakers and older adults participating regularly. <br />Platicando con Promotores, February 16, 2023 <br />LHA hosts a weekly virtual education segment called Platicando con <br />Promotores, or Conversing with our Community Health Workers, held <br />in Spanish. Each week focuses on a different topic to inform and pro- <br />mote overall wellness. On Thursday, February 16th, LHA highlighted <br />the Santa Ana Vision Zero Plan with representatives from the City and <br />consultant team. Participants were in favor of traffic calming in Santa <br />Ana and pedestrian improvements, especially safe crossings. Round- <br />abouts received mixed feedback and one parent mentioned that new- <br />er curb extensions negatively impact school drop-off for their child. <br />Overall, this meeting provided an intimate venue to hold meaningful <br />conversations about traffic safety in Santa Ana. Watch it here! <br />Educational Video <br />An educational video was prepared in both English and Spanish to <br />educate residents on the importance of Vision Zero in Santa Ana, pro- <br />mote the project, and ask viewers to complete the survey. The video <br />was promoted on the City's website, LHA's social media, and on You - <br />Tube. Watch the video here! <br />74 <br />